Film Review: SPIDER-MAN: ACROSS THE SPIDER-VERSE (2023): Miles Morales and Gwen Stacy Hop Multiverses with Breathtaking Results All Around
#FilmBook #MovieReview #AmandlaStenberg #AndySamberg #BrianTyreeHenry #ChristopherMiller #DanielKaluuya #DaveCallaham #HaileeSteinfeld #IssaRae #JakeJohnson #JasonSchwartzman #JoaquimDosSantos #Jorm
#filmbook #moviereview #amandlastenberg #andysamberg #briantyreehenry #christophermiller #danielkaluuya #davecallaham #haileesteinfeld #issarae #jakejohnson #jasonschwartzman #joaquimdossantos #jorm
#Amazon and #TheLostCity's #OrenUziel are developing a live-action series based on #Marvel's #SpiderManNoir, which follows an older, grizzled superhero in 1930s New York City. The series is also being developed with #SpiderManIntoTheSpiderVerse producers #PhilLord and #ChristopherMiller, and #AmyPascal and #SonyPicturesTelevision. #television #streaming #Marvel
#amazon #thelostcity #orenuziel #marvel #spidermannoir #spidermanintothespiderverse #phillord #christophermiller #amypascal #sonypicturestelevision #television #streaming
Still defending Orange Mussolini, Former Trump Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller Talks Insurrection Act, Pentagon Scheming, Foreign Wars #ChristopherMiller claims military brass undermined civilian control of the military in their quest to tame Trump, and how Miller now believes that he was “mugged by the neoconservatives who led us into an unjust war in Iraq.” #TrumpCrimes #Jan6insurrection
#christophermiller #trumpcrimes #Jan6insurrection