Queer Lit Cats · @QLC
330 followers · 12171 posts · Server mastodon.roitsystems.ca
A goat :verified: · @nus
606 followers · 7872 posts · Server mstdn.social

What is ?

According to : Anything that sounds bad. In something that reads like a villain's speech:

"The goal is to have the public read something crazy in the newspaper and immediately think ‘critical race theory.’ We have decodified the term and will recodify it to annex the entire range of cultural constructions that are unpopular with Americans."

Imagine admitting to manipulating the public... In public.



#christopherrufo #woke

Last updated 1 year ago

Queer Lit Cats · @QLC
190 followers · 8785 posts · Server mastodon.roitsystems.ca
VICE News · @VICENews
1069 followers · 234 posts · Server federated.press
MJ Muse · @MJmusicinears
330 followers · 3466 posts · Server mastodon.world

The right’s new culture-war target: ‘Woke AI’


, the activist who led campaigns against & gender identity in schools, pointed his half-million followers toward a new target for right-wing ire: “woke AI.”
The tweet highlighted President Biden’s recent order calling for that “advances equity” and “prohibits algorithmic discrimination,” which Rufo said was tantamount to a special mandate for

#christopherrufo #magaextremistcult #crt #twitter #ai #wokeai #culturewar

Last updated 2 years ago

Gminks · @gminks
132 followers · 910 posts · Server mas.to

They are gunning to go back to the 1800s in Florida.

isn't happy taking over , now he's gunning for

Does he realize this is a university with a native mascot and no support for native students??


#fsu #newcollege #christopherrufo

Last updated 2 years ago

TheTranarchist · @TheTranarchist
65 followers · 44 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Just published a article on the , AKA . An organization with a name that screams double-speak and a tale of , , and astro-turfing and culture warring.


So who are these guys? Simply put, a crew of and / conservative intellectuals (think and the ) who helped push the panic into the American mainstream by aiding legal battles and infiltrating school boards across the country. They lobbied against any halfway honest accounting with America's racist history anywhere they found it, from just teaching about it to addressing it through equity programs, eventually starting the same in Canada. , who has been credited with single-handedly launching the CRT panic in the US, is naturally a board member. For salt on the wound, they highlighted opposition to a debt relief program for black farmers as a "profile in courage", which with the barest knowledge of American history should tell you all you need to know.

They're also incredibly transphobic, which is how I found out about them originally. I mean, is a board member ffs. They started out defending the supposed "right" of students to misgender their trans classmates, now they routinely partner up with to push




I wrote the article because I'd been meaning to for a while, and recently I saw @tsn calling on them to cancel an upcoming pro-conversion therapy event with SEGM and Genspect. No dig at TSN, love the work they do, I wanted to clear up for the record that FAIR have been transphobic and racist from the start; that it's not an honest mistake on FAIR's part but another just support for another wing of the same astroturfed conservative campaign network.


Scratch a transphobe, a racist bleeds, and usually vice versa. We should all be fully aware that the same conservatives pushing racism are pushing transphobia. For some of us it's been obvious the whole time, others need a wake-up call. Either way, the details don't lie and people need to know their enemy to fight them. Same people, same tactics, same fight.

#wikipedia #foundationagainstintoleranceandracism #fair #racism #transphobia #rightwing #racist #transphobic #antitrans #quilette #kochbrothers #crt #christopherrufo #abigailshrier #Genspect #conversiontherapy

Last updated 2 years ago



...Arm yourselves with knowledge

This guy is really smart...💪 🧠 💗

Critical Racists | Christopher Rufo | Jordan B Peterson Podcast S4 (2022) : E280


#jordanpeterson #christopherrufo

Last updated 2 years ago