RETE STRADALE ROMANA IDENTIFICATA CON LiDAR IN CORNOVAGLIA #CésarParceroOubiña, #ChristopherSmart, #JoãoFonte, #LIDAR, #RemoteSensing, #ReteStradaleRomana, #UniversitàDiExeter
#lidar #remotesensing #retestradaleromana #cesarparcerooubina #christophersmart #joaofonte #universitadiexeter
Confederate soldiers were called rebels. This is where the former Dixie State University obtained its name and it's mascot, The Rebels.
2. Representative #BurgessOwens, 'present' vote is insulting not only for same-sex couples, but also for interracial couples. The #RespectforMarriageAct provides protection for both. Before 1967, it was illegal in many states - including the state of Utah, for mix-raced couples to get married. These were called Miscegenation Laws. #utpol #ChristopherSmart
#burgessowens #respectformarriageact #utpol #christophersmart
@Funfun @bookstodon @auslit From #JubilateAgno by #ChristopherSmart (screenshot is just the beginning)
#jubilateagno #christophersmart
@bikesnbukes I think #ChristopherSmart is the genius, I'm just an appreciative reader!