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#Cyberangriffe #ITSicherheit #BenjaminKrause #CarstenMeywirth #ChristopherWray #FBI #Malware #Qakbot #QBot #RansomwareAngriff https://tarnkappe.info/artikel/cyberangriff/qakbot-behoerden-nahmen-700-000-bots-vom-netz-280164.html
#cyberangriffe #itsicherheit #BenjaminKrause #carstenmeywirth #christopherwray #fbi #malware #qakbot #qbot #RansomwareAngriff
TheOnion: Knife-Wielding Doctors Roam Country Searching For Teens To Force To Be Trans https://www.theonion.com/knife-wielding-doctors-roam-country-searching-for-teens-1850780841?utm_source=regular #mammalfemalereproductivesystem #humanfemalereproductivesystem #genderaffirmingsurgery #hippocraticoath #christopherwray #womenshealth #gynaecology #anatomy #scalpel #vagina #orgasm
#mammalfemalereproductivesystem #humanfemalereproductivesystem #genderaffirmingsurgery #hippocraticoath #christopherwray #womenshealth #gynaecology #anatomy #scalpel #vagina #orgasm
*Andrew P. Napolitano*
**The FBI Unwittingly Investigates Itself!**
"Today’s FBI is effectively a domestic spying operation nowhere authorized in the Constitution. It should be defunded and disbanded."
#FBI #domesticspying #christopherwray
TheOnion: FBI Arrests Millions Of Americans Who Didn’t See ‘Sound Of Freedom’ Under Suspicion Of Child Trafficking https://www.theonion.com/fbi-arrests-millions-of-americans-who-didn-t-see-sound-1850708101 #classifiedinformationintheunitedstates #federalbureauofinvestigation #terrorismintheunitedstates #entertainmentculture #christopherwray #moralpanic #trumpism #lawcrime #qanon
#classifiedinformationintheunitedstates #federalbureauofinvestigation #terrorismintheunitedstates #entertainmentculture #christopherwray #moralpanic #trumpism #lawcrime #qanon
Gizmodo: FBI Ordered to Find Out Which Agency Disobeyed White House in Secret Deal, Finds Out It Was Itself https://gizmodo.com/fbi-nso-group-landmark-riva-networks-christopher-wray-1850693884 #federalbureauofinvestigation #directorchristopherwrayus #christopherwray #williammalone #roberthanssen #rivanetworks #surveillance #robingamble #whitehouse #politics #nsogroup #pegasus #spyware #robin #biden
#federalbureauofinvestigation #directorchristopherwrayus #christopherwray #williammalone #roberthanssen #rivanetworks #surveillance #robingamble #whitehouse #politics #nsogroup #pegasus #spyware #robin #biden
Dean Obeidallah thinks the following is the biggest takeaway of Christopher Wray's statements to a House committee yesterday:
"The FBI created a new unit to protect FBI agents and federal prosecutors from violence threatened by Trump supporters to stop his prosecution!"
"By not reporting this more visibly, the media is unintentionally helping normalize what should never be normal."
~ Dean Obeidallah
#ChristopherWray #FBI #Trump #MAGA #violence
#christopherwray #fbi #trump #maga #violence
FBI director Christopher Wray hits back at Matt Gaetz after Republican presses him on trust in bureau
#FBI #ChristopherWray #MattGaetz #TrustInBureau #Florida #USPolitics #Politics #News
#fbi #christopherwray #mattgaetz #trustinbureau #florida #uspolitics #politics #news
As lifelong Republican Wray, a member of Federalist Society and Trump appointee, told Jim Jordan's committee yesterday,
“The idea that I’m biased against conservatives seems somewhat insane to me, given my own personal background,”
#Republicans #FBI #JimJordan #ChristopherWray #ClownsandFools
#republicans #fbi #jimjordan #christopherwray #clownsandfools
I'd say the irony of Republicans now attacking FBI director Christopher Wray is delicious, but it's not. It's sad and shameful that they have turned themselves into colossal dolts and clowns at a point of such need for real leadership in the US and world at large.
#republicans #fbi #jimjordan #christopherwray #clowns
High-ranking officials at the #DOJ, including Attorney General #MerrickGarland, Deputy Attorney General #LisaMonaco, and #FBI Director #ChristopherWray remained wed to this slow-walk approach “even as evidence emerged of an organized, weeks-long effort by #Trump and his advisers before #January6th to pressure state leaders, Justice officials, and Vice President Mike #Pence to block the certification of #Biden’s victory.”
#doj #merrickgarland #lisamonaco #fbi #christopherwray #trump #January6th #pence #biden
I want #christopherwray to explain why he coughed up this document only under the threat of #impeachment and not before. It's the ol' "were you lying then or now?" Either he should've coughed it up right away or stuck to his guns. Obviously, and very literally, lacks the conviction of his beliefs.
#ChristopherWray + #JamesComey you SUCK now even harder than you did before.
#DeplorablePeople must be called out, fired, stopped, replaced, removed, brought to justice...#ENOUGH.
#enough #deplorablepeople #jamescomey #christopherwray
@micahflee And this is the same #FBI STILL being run by Federalist Society #ChristopherWray, the guy who did nada with the intel pouring in documented by the #LizCheney #J6 Cmte, and with open calls for violent civil war on social media. Wray is the same guy that sent 4500 #Kavanaugh tips to #Trump instead of investigating them. And #Biden hasn't fired Wray.
#biden #Trump #kavanaugh #J6 #lizcheney #christopherwray #fbi
@arstechnica #FederalistSociety member and #FBI Director #ChristopherWray is the same guy that sent 4500 #Kavanaugh tips to Trump.
He should’ve immediately been fired for that. Instead, he still hasn’t been fired for ignoring the #January6 Intel that had been pouring in, and open calls for civil war on social media.
General #MarkMilley said that “everyone knew” that #Jan6 was gonna be violent, and that #Trump wanted a coup. #LizCheney #J6 cmte gave Wray a pass to focus on Trump
#J6 #lizcheney #Trump #JAN6 #markmilley #January6 #kavanaugh #christopherwray #fbi #federalistsociety
Fox News Interviews Christopher Wray
Appearing on Fox News Tuesday, FBI Director Christopher Wray was interviewed by network "heavy-hitter" Bret Baier, and focused on several topics including the laptop from hell, the Chinese lab leak theory, and the January 6 pipe bomber.
Out of the gate, Baier questioned why the investigation of the Hunter Biden la
#ThePress #ChristopherWray #COVID #FoxNews #laptop #pipebomber
#thepress #christopherwray #COVID #foxnews #laptop #pipebomber
FBI director accuses #China of trying to 'thwart and obfuscate' #Covid origin probe
"The FBI has for quite some time now assessed that the origins of the pandemic were most likely a potential lab incident in Wuhan," FBI Director #ChristopherWray said in a #FoxNews exclusive interview Tuesday.
#china #covid #christopherwray #foxnews #wuhanlabincident #covidorigins #fbi
#ChristopherWray aiding and abetting the #ShitStirrers
Priming the pump to stir up something with China and distract from the #GOPTraitors collusion with Putin?
#christopherwray #shitstirrers #GOPtraitors
A fed judge has agreed to permit former #FBI officials #PeterStrzok and #LisaPage to take sworn testimony from Donald Trump for 2 hrs as part of their long-running lawsuits related to Strzok’s firing in 2018 after Trump repeatedly and publicly pilloried the pair
US District Court Judge #AmyBermanJackson ruled that Strzok and Page would also be allowed to depose FBI Dir #ChristopherWray for a similar 2-hr period on a limited set of topics
#christopherwray #amybermanjackson #lisapage #peterstrzok #FBI
“Committee investigators found that the Capitol was inadequately defended on Jan. 6 not because of an intelligence failure, Heaphy said, but because of a failure to act on intelligence showing that extremists intended to come to Washington and use violence to stop Congress from certifying Joe Biden’s election victory.” https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/fbi-stopped-jan-6-capitol-mob-acted-intelligence-rcna68155 shades of 9/11; The failures got more power. Fire #ChristopherWray #January6