Taken this day, 2013, Joe Sacco and Chris Ware talking to @teddyjamieson at @edbookfest https://www.flickr.com/photos/woolamaloo_gazette/9510468483/
#books #comics #BandeDessinee #livres #Edinburgh #Edimbourg #photography #JoeSacco #ChrisWare #EdinburghInternationalBookFestival #EIBF #BookFestival #PeopleWatching
#peoplewatching #bookfestival #eibf #edinburghinternationalbookfestival #chrisware #joesacco #photography #edimbourg #edinburgh #livres #bandedessinee #comics #books
Ein guter Grund, die Kiste nochmal aus dem Regal zu holen...
RT @vesin9
Großartiges #Buch, unglaublich tolle Kollegin!! Nina Eckhoff-Heindl: "Comics begreifen. Ästhetische Erfahrung durch visuell-taktiles Erzählen in Chris Wares Building Stories" (2023). #OutNow #MustRead #comicforschung #comics #ChrisWare
#buch #outnow #mustread #comicforschung #comics #chrisware
The New Yorker, Febrary 15 & 22, 2010
Natural Selection: Chris Ware Preliminary New Yorker Cover Art
https://attemptedbloggery.blogspot.com/2023/02/natural-selection-chris-ware.html #ChrisWare
It's #ChrisWare's birthday! Wish him a good one & go listen to our 2019 conversation sometime http://chimeraobscura.com/vm/episode-341-chris-ware
#chrisware #comics #art #podcast #books #bookstodon
RT @BenoitPeeters@twitter.com
Le 19 septembre, au @CentrePompidou@twitter.com, Chris Ware évoquait quelques auteurs qui l'ont marqué, puis son propre travail. La rencontre est visible en ligne. #chrisware @Bpi_Pompidou@twitter.com https://replay.bpi.fr/captations/autour-de-lexposition-chris-ware/chris-ware-lart-de-la-memoire/
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/BenoitPeeters/status/1597241590489104384
Since we so often follow and search hashtags here, let me drop some cartoonists I want to see:
#ChesterBrown #ChrisWare #JimWoodring #JoshBayer #HyenaHell #ElizabethBethea #MatBrinkman #BenMarra #TomHart #JamesKochalka #JunjiIto #PaulPope #Moebius #Blutch #Kerascoet #SergioAragones #JillianTamaki #WaltHolcombe #YoshiharuTsuge #BrianChippendale #PhilippaRice #ArtSpiegelman #BenKatchor #SmartyFarty #Herge #LorenzoMattotti #BillWatterson
#chesterbrown #chrisware #jimwoodring #joshbayer #hyenahell #elizabethbethea #matbrinkman #benmarra #tomhart #jameskochalka #junjiito #paulpope #moebius #blutch #kerascoet #sergioaragones #jilliantamaki #waltholcombe #yoshiharutsuge #brianchippendale #philipparice #artspiegelman #benkatchor #smartyfarty #herge #lorenzomattotti #billwatterson #comics #comix #cartoonists #comicbooks #smallpresscomics
Since we so often follow and search hashtags here, let me drop some cartoonists I want to see: #ChesterBrown #ChrisWare #JimWoodring #JoshBayer #HyenaHell #ElizabethBethea #MatBrinkman #BenMarra #TomHart #JamesKochalka #JunjiIto #PaulPope #Moebius #Bluch #Kerascoet #SergioAragones #JillianTamaki #WaltHolcombe #YoshiharuTsuge #BrianChippendale #PhilippaRice #ArtSpiegelman #BenKatchor #SmartyFarty #Herge #LorenzoMattotti #BillWatterson
#chesterbrown #chrisware #jimwoodring #joshbayer #hyenahell #elizabethbethea #matbrinkman #benmarra #tomhart #jameskochalka #junjiito #paulpope #moebius #bluch #kerascoet #sergioaragones #jilliantamaki #waltholcombe #yoshiharutsuge #brianchippendale #philipparice #artspiegelman #benkatchor #smartyfarty #herge #lorenzomattotti #billwatterson #comics #comix #cartoonists #comicbooks #smallpresscomics
Chris Ware. If you know, you know.