draft - Google thank you for lacros on chromeOS. could we get the ability to sign into a second *device-level / OS-level user account* while Lacros is enabled? thank you
currently when enabling the Lacros-as-default flag on chromeOS116, when trying to sign into a second *device-level/OS-level* user account outside the browser, we are greeted with:
"Signing in a second user is not supported while the Lacros browser is running. Please use a second browser profile in Lacros instead or close Lacros and try again."
related -
#chromeos116 #chromeos117 #lacros
draft - i gotta say, chromeOS is feeling a little bit paltry. i mean, yes, they're trying to be sort of "light weight". but can't they also just be a "newer" operating system than the old behemoths? like, let us have lacros AND multiple users. i mean maybe they will when it gets out of beta. but yeah.
#chromeos #chromebook #chromeos116 #chromeos117 #lacros #chromeoslacros #privacy #peaceofmind #computers #Windows11 #8gbram #16gbram #corei3 #corei5 #ryzen5 #touchscreen #premiumchromeos #premiumchromebook
"Signing in a second user is not supported while the Lacros browser is running. Please use a second browser profile in Lacros instead or close Lacros and try again."
Draft-please at least tell me this isn't how its going to be when finalized. Yes, its nice to have Lacros, but...
Draft-please at least tell me this isn't how its going to be when finalized. Yes, its nice to have Lacros, but the ability to have multiple user profiles in chromeOS is also a very important function as well. I could turn off Lacros now to gain back multiple user profiles but...
draft - I could turn off Lacros now to gain back multiple user profiles but...Google, thank you for chromeOS multiple user profiles as well as Lacros. Can we get the ability to run *both* Lacros *and* be able to use multiple user profiles in chromeOS? thank you.
#chromeos #chromebook #chromeos116 #chromeos117 #lacros #multipleuserprofiles #multiuser #privacy #appdatasegregation #datasegregation
draft - chromeOS needs a static grid for icons/apps. the launcher is a grid but you can destroy the manual layout with one click. the shelf doesn't have a one click destroy manual layout option, but its one long line and not a grid. plus you can't pin an app folder there either.
if you're going to let us destroy our manual layout with one click, at least give us an option to "sort manually" in addition to "sort by color" and "sort by name".
#chromeos #chromebook #chromeoslauncher #chromeos115 #chromeos116 #chromeos117
draft - nova launcher - thank you for developing this wonderful android launcher. could we get a version designed specifically for chromeOS? to drag and drop web links onto the nova launcher? the built in chromeOS launcher/shelf leaves a bit to be desired, and the ability to use nova as a launchpad for web apps would be a welcome addition. thank you
#novalauncher #chromeos #chromebook #chromeoslauncher #chromebookshelf #chromeos116