ชุบขีวิต laptop เก่า ดูว่าจะฉิวหรือไม่
#chromeosflex #restoration #asus #laptop
#chromeosflex #restoration #asus #laptop
Looks like Bruschetta isn't coming to ChromeOS stable after all.
#chromeos #chromeosflex #chromebook #virtualmachines
I was asked today, I've seen loads of "How to install" videos on ChromeOS Flex, does anyone actually use it?
Well yes, I do, Daily. I've installed it on a 2020 Dell XPS 13 with 16Gb Ram..
As a 15+ year Linux user its pretty easy for me to run it as a Dialy driver. Its smoother than Ubuntu, Opensuse or Fedora and very fast on this laptop.
#chromeos #chromebook #chromeosflex #linux #ubuntu #tech #technology
#chromeos #chromebook #chromeosflex #linux #ubuntu #tech #technology
New #Chromebook has arrived!🙌🏿
Performed a "powerwash reset" on my old laptop and put it in the closet for now. It'll be a hobby machine for learning #Linux later.
Converting a Windows PC to #ChromeOSFlex definitely sold me on finally dumping Microsoft for #ChromeOS. Thanks, #Google!❤️ Everything is cloud-based, so I'll be up and running in no time. BBL... ✌🏿
#chromebook #linux #chromeosflex #chromeos #google
"New Year, New Me?" Nah, but I'm treating myself to a new laptop as a late Xmas present. The #yen rate is still decent, so now's the time! After test-driving #ChromeOSFlex on an old Windows PC for a few months, I've decided to go full #Chromebook! Just ordered online and expect it to arrive on Jan 3.
The "Flex" version of #ChromeOS resurrects old PCs out of storage but lacks key features like #GooglePlayStore, VPN by #GoogleOne, and others. Sneaky marketing by #Google?😅
#yen #chromeosflex #chromebook #chromeos #googleplaystore #googleone #google #usdjpy #happynewyear
ChromeOS Flex is how you turn any laptop into a Chromebook. It has support for the Linux Shell but not Android Apps (reasons).
I put together this guide for new Flex users however new Chromebook users have some good stuff too in here
#chromebook #chromeos #tech #technology #blog #techblog #howto #techguide #chromeosflex #guide #help
#chromebook #chromeos #tech #technology #blog #techblog #howto #techguide #chromeosflex #guide #help
@ike Definitely consider #ChromeOSFlex. I'm running it on an old Toshiba Dynabook, and it's like new! No issues at all.
@wutwutman I love the OS so far too! I'm running #ChromeOSFlex on an old Windows laptop but plan to buy an "actual" #Chromebook pretty soon.
@EwanCroft Excellent thread! Many of your reasons match why I'm switching to #ChromeOS. I'm already fully invested in #Google's ecosystem -- #Android, #Pixel, #Chromecast, #YouTubeMusic Premium, #GoogleOne (photo, docs, VPN etc.), and I most recently added #GoogleNestHub / #GoogleNestMini to make our home "smarter".
Actually, I'm typing this reply on an old #Windows laptop that I converted to #ChromeOSFlex for "test driving" the OS. My next computer purchase will be DEFINITELY be a #Chromebook.
#chromeos #google #android #pixel #chromecast #youtubemusic #googleone #googlenesthub #googlenestmini #windows #chromeosflex #chromebook
@davidfield That's interesting that even #Fedora feels slow on a powerful laptop like a Dell XPS compared to #ChromeOSFlex. Not surprising though. #Chrome might be a memory hog but it does provide a very fast and smooth UI in #ChromeOS.
Out of curiosity, were you not able to run these scripts in a #Ubuntu or #Fedora container using #Crostini?
I feel you though, after a long time using Ubuntu I got sick of the slowness and constant errors. ChromeOS always worked well for me.
#fedora #chromeosflex #chrome #chromeos #ubuntu #crostini
@thelinuxEXP interesting, I currently have #Linux on my laptop and was thinking of trying #ChromeOSFlex, but I think I will pass now. Also good point, Google will 100% kill this product.