Time to see how well I can replicate either the #Chromevox and/or #Talkback keyboard experience with the #jieshuo screen reader's 'Hotkey Scheme' feature. The default has 'waaaaaaaay' too many conflicts in my view (particularly if using web browsers that support keyboard shortcuts).
And since people are able to share said keyboard layouts, anyone thought of creating a #WindowEyes or #SuperNova/#Hal layout?
#supernova #windoweyes #jieshuo #talkback #chromevox
Been poking about with #webcomponents and tried how things work with #chromevox. Funny thing is that it makes MutationObservers not working at all as the elements passed to .observe method are no longer elements, but some 'Pe'-object... π¬ #a11y
#webcomponents #chromevox #a11y
new #pinafore problem: on #ChromeOS with #ChromeVox when arrowing through the home tl it's suddenly now started just saying "Unlisted post from ,username>" or "public post from <username>" instead of the actual post text
#pinafore #chromeos #chromevox
One thing I wish #ChromeOS / #ChromeVox has that is missing is the ability to bring up the context menu just using a keyboard - it would be especially useful for those of us who are using a #ChromeBox instead of a #ChromeBook that don't have a TouchPad. #a11y #Accessibility
#accessibility #a11y #chromebook #chromebox #chromevox #chromeos