New Version: #Google #Chrome 116.0.5845.188 (stable;x86) #Chromium
Downloads for #ungoogled #Chromium: #FOSS #UngoogledChromium #WebBrowsers without #PrivacySandbox
#ungoogled #chromium #foss #ungoogledchromium #webbrowsers #privacysandbox
If you use #GNOME or another GTK-based desktop environment and want a fast, friendly web browser on top of that stack, try GNOME Web (aka Epiphany). Based on WebKit engine (as Safari), it is a strong alternative to #Chromium/Blink. It is well designed for users who do not need too many options, and also useful as a secondary #browser besides, say, Firefox, still with #privacy.
It is probably in your distribution repository (as epiphany-browser) or on Flathub.
#gnome #chromium #browser #privacy
@jikodesu @r The point here is #chromium-based browsers are becoming more dominant and gives google more control over the web. Regardless if it is Microsoft's Edge, or Brave's, the fact that there is a single web engine that has a monopoly and control of web standards hurts people and their rights in the long run.
#chromium #braveweb #crypto #web3
Concernant la fameuse gougueulerie qui semblerait désormais activée sur le navigateur brillant de G👀gle, #Vivaldi est très clair là-dessus :
Les #Topics ou #PrivacySandbox ne fonctionneront pas même si, par mégarde ou curiosité, vous activiez l'option de #Chromium via chrome://settings/privacySandbox
Aucune donnée liée à vos habitudes de navigation ne sortira de votre navigateur préféré.
Source :
#vivaldi #topics #privacysandbox #chromium
Hey all, I wanted to ask - for privacy away from Googles prying eyes on Android - while still using Chromium (for those stubborn Chromium only sites), what's better - Bromite or Ungoogled Chromium? 🤔 #privacy #chromium #googlesux
New Version: #Google #Chrome 117.0.5938.48 (beta;x86) #Chromium
So if you are using a #chromium based browser, go ahead and turn it off if you want, but please don’t make it out to be something it’s not. It’s a massive improvement over the absolute panopticon we have now, and it may actually make the whole ecosystem of online advertising less dangerous and make the ad-supported model of the web more sustainable and less adversarial. /end
#Chromium 由来のバグフィックスを含むマイナーアップデートきた。
New Version: #Google #Chrome 116.0.5845.180 (stable;x86) #Chromium
Long press on touch screen does not perform long press action but opens context menu #chromium #vnc #touchscreen
New Version: #Google #Chrome 118.0.5979.2 (dev;x86) #Chromium