Its going on 10am...
We're fighting to keep our family from losing shelter & everything in our storage unit. 😩
Please read the linked blog and boost, incredibly urgent, tysm! 😰
#Trans #AuDHD #LongCovid #MutualAidRequest #EmergencyCrowdFund #Blog #ChronicallyUnhoused #CPTSD
#trans #AuDHD #LongCovid #MutualAidRequest #emergencycrowdfund #blog #chronicallyunhoused #cptsd
Everything is falling apart, and now we have to raise over $2000 or us and the kitties are gonna be on the streets in 3 DAYS‼️😭
Please boost, we won't survive out there again, we're too sick.
#Eviction #Autistic #Disabled #Nonbinary #CultSurvivor #CPTSD #TransCrowdFund #EmergencyCrowdFund #Emergency #Crisis #Urgent #ChronicallyUnhoused #LongCovid
#eviction #autistic #disabled #nonbinary #cultsurvivor #cptsd #transcrowdfund #emergencycrowdfund #emergency #crisis #urgent #chronicallyunhoused #LongCovid
Definitely hitting a wall in terms of fatigue and pain, and really need some sleep, but have to stay awake to crowdfund for our family’s survival.
Been trying and searching and fighting for years to find a safe home with no luck, but we’re still at it.
Can’t give up, we deserve to be safe.
#ChronicallyUnhoused #ChronicallyIll #LongCovid #EscapingAbuse #CPTSD
#chronicallyunhoused #chronicallyill #LongCovid #EscapingAbuse #cptsd
Part of the family we’re trying to keep safe!
Even if you don’t like people, if you happen to like kitties, we ask you to consider donating $5 or so toward our family avoiding eviction 🐱
We’re still $450 from being safe today, and every boost & $1 helps!
#CatsOfMastodon #Queer #Disabled #EvictionRisk #CatsAreFamily #ChronicallyUnhoused #Inn #Poverty #Debt #Nonbinary #Urgent #TimeSensitive #ActuallyAutistic #ComradeCrowdFund
#catsofmastodon #queer #disabled #evictionrisk #catsarefamily #chronicallyunhoused #inn #poverty #debt #nonbinary #urgent #timesensitive #actuallyautistic #comradecrowdfund
Safe today thanks to an incredibly generous donor!!! 💗💗💗
Thank you so much, you saved us from so much horror, we are now able to pay part of our shelter debt, get our phone bill paid for the first time I think this Year, and keep our storage unit from going to auction!!!
#MutualAidSavesLives #Grateful #ChronicallyUnhoused #CatsAreFamily #Trans #Autistic #Disabled #MaskUp #LongCovid
#MutualAidSavesLives #grateful #chronicallyunhoused #catsarefamily #trans #autistic #disabled #MaskUp #LongCovid
This might be a silly, ignorant dream, but I genuinely hope I get to enjoy my life and actually be safe someday.
I want that for my family, this is why I fight so hard for us to survive 😤
#hungry #chronicallyunhoused #cptsd #CultSurvivors #AuDHD
I absolutely hate "living" like this, but I am proud that my family is still alive.
Just wish it was more than just barely surviving, I don't know how much longer we can handle this. 😓
#ChronicallyUnhoused #EscapingAbuse #CPTSD #CultSurvivors #DIDOSDD #LongCovid #CovidLongHauler #Cfs #Fibro #Seizures #AutisticBurnout
#chronicallyunhoused #EscapingAbuse #cptsd #CultSurvivors #DIDOSDD #LongCovid #COVIDlonghauler #cfs #fibro #seizures #autisticburnout
@MastoBuddies I think I got it, is this right? 😃
Copy/paste of the message linked: We now are focusing on raising the $226 we need by tomorrow, pls boost and don8 if possible! 🙏🏻$octopuslaws8 We also need Gatorade for medical reasons, to pay our phone bill ($55), cat litter, and our storage unit… 😰 Thank you so much for helping us keep our kitties safe! 💗 #ChronicallyUnhoused #Eviction #MutualAid #Inn #Debt #Queer
#chronicallyunhoused #eviction #MutualAid #inn #debt #queer
We now are focusing on raising the $226 we need by tomorrow, pls boost and don8 if possible! 🙏🏻$octopuslaws8
We also need Gatorade for medical reasons, to pay our phone bill ($55), cat litter, and our storage unit… 😰
Thank you so much for helping us keep our kitties safe! 💗
#chronicallyunhoused #eviction #MutualAid #inn #debt #queer
It's 1pm and the last donation of $6 was Hours ago, idk what to do, we're posting everywhere and we've been awake for almost 36 hours trying to raise rent so they don't evict us 😭
This is a weekly struggle, especially since we haven't been able to update our GFM in several weeks.
Please Universe, we're too ill to be this scared, we are Not safe! 😭🙏🏻
#chronicallyhomeless #chronicallyunhoused #EscapingAbuse
We are too sick to walk until our feet bleed like we used to have to everyday, including in the rain.
#Homeless #Unhoused #EscapingAbuse #CPTSD #ChronicallyUnhoused #LongCovid
#homeless #unhoused #EscapingAbuse #cptsd #chronicallyunhoused #LongCovid
It's Friday, and we haven't been able to pay for our room the last few days, and I'm constantly terrified of them coming knocking with another eviction notice. 😰
Literally sick with stress pretty much 24/7, especially since we've fallen so far behind on paying...
I don't even know our current balance, but last I knew it was around $1700 🙃😓😭
My chest hurts, but I'm trying to focus on pulling myself together so I can keep Ravyn (fiance) and the kitties safe. 😤
#ChronicallyUnhoused #EvictionRisk #Housing #HousingInsecurity #CPTSD #Trans #NonBinary #Queer #AutisticCouple #Scared #Help
#chronicallyunhoused #evictionrisk #housing #HousingInsecurity #cptsd #trans #nonbinary #queer #autisticcouple #scared #help
We need a miracle 😰😭😩
#EmergencyCrowdFund #Crisis #Shelter #Trans #Autistic #AuDHD #Unhoused #ChronicallyUnhoused #Request #MutualAid #Help #Comrades #ComradeCrowdFund
#emergencycrowdfund #crisis #shelter #trans #autistic #AuDHD #unhoused #chronicallyunhoused #request #MutualAid #help #comrades #comradecrowdfund
Currently $650 from eviction papers TODAY 😰😭
Too sick to survive this, omfg we're scared.
#ChronicallyUnhoused #Homeless #Inn #Debt #Eviction #Terrified #PluralGang #DID #LongCovid #Migraine #MutualAid
#chronicallyunhoused #homeless #inn #debt #eviction #terrified #pluralgang #did #LongCovid #Migraine #MutualAid
Like, having been homeless so many times and for so long, we've gotten good at home being wherever we are, no matter where it is or how unsafe it may be.
But we need a safe home, somewhere our needs can be met without having to fight every step of the way.
And that's what we going to have soon, and neither of us can wait!
We're terrified and excited! 💖
#chronicallyunhoused #did #queerfamily #cats #cptsd
Please don't let us die out here 😭
#Homeless #Homelessness #Unhoused #ChronicallyUnhoused #UnhousedWithCats #LongCovid
#homeless #homelessness #unhoused #chronicallyunhoused #UnhousedWithCats #LongCovid
We are now $405 from eviction‼️
That doesn't include the other things we need to pay for like our storage unit + late fees, our pain, psych, & seizure meds, and cat litter. 😟
Please help, we are so close to finally being housed, but we're still fighting not to lose everything. 😭
#Shelter #Unhoused #Inn #LifeTransition #Trans #LongCovid #MutualAid #Needs #Request #Urgent #ChronicallyUnhoused
#shelter #unhoused #inn #lifetransition #trans #LongCovid #MutualAid #needs #request #urgent #chronicallyunhoused
Please share my pinned posts!
My family is currently $525 from being evicted TODAY 😰
#chronicallyunhoused #cats #trans #nonbinary #cptsd #urgent
I'm not usually like this.
I used to be more fun, have more energy, life to me...
I miss that.
I miss her. 😩
#Burnout #Autistic #AutisticBurnout #LongCovid #CPTSD #Cfs #Exhausted #DID #PluralGang #ChronicallyUnhoused
#burnout #autistic #autisticburnout #LongCovid #cptsd #cfs #exhausted #did #pluralgang #chronicallyunhoused
$430 would see my family sheltered another week & we could avoid eviction from the inn today + get something to eat! ✨
Can anyone help make this happen? 🥺
We should only have two more months of this costly, terrifying nonsense, but we gotta make it that long to be housed. 😟
We're both non-binary trans, disabled, chronically ill, and primarily bedbound from Long Covid.
We're barely making it. 😰
CashApp: $octopuslaws8
#MutualAid #Donate #CashApp #Trans #Autistic #Bedbound #Fibro #LongCovid #ChronicallyUnhoused #Hungry #Housing #Health #CPTSD #ChosenFamily #Anarchy
#MutualAid #donate #cashapp #trans #autistic #Bedbound #fibro #LongCovid #chronicallyunhoused #hungry #housing #health #cptsd #chosenfamily #anarchy