Behavioural medicine & implementation scientist, Prof Brian Oldenburg has received a visiting professorship from @DDEA_Denmark to share his expertise in #digitaltechnology to improve the health of people with #chronicconditions such as #diabetes @latrobe
#digitaltechnology #chronicconditions #diabetes
US still has the worst, most expensive health care of any high-income country - Enlarge / A woman watches white flags on the National Mall on September... - #universalhealthcare #healthcarespending #chronicconditions #maternalmortality #healthcarecosts #infantmortality #lifeexpectancy #ushealthcare #vaccination #covid-19 #pandemic #science #obesity #deaths
#deaths #obesity #science #pandemic #covid #vaccination #ushealthcare #lifeexpectancy #infantmortality #healthcarecosts #maternalmortality #chronicconditions #healthcarespending #universalhealthcare
Ars Technica: US still has the worst, most expensive health care of any high-income country #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #universalhealthcare #healthcarespending #chronicconditions #maternalmortality #healthcarecosts #infantmortality #lifeexpectancy #ushealthcare #vaccination #COVID-19 #pandemic #Science #obesity #deaths
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #universalhealthcare #healthcarespending #chronicconditions #maternalmortality #healthcarecosts #infantmortality #lifeexpectancy #ushealthcare #vaccination #covid #pandemic #science #obesity #deaths
Hey #DisabilityTwitter #ChronicallyAcademic we want your thoughts re conference accessibility! What can organisers & attendees do to support inclusion of people with #chronicconditions and #disability? Positive & negative experiences welcome. Plz RT 🙌
#disabilitytwitter #chronicallyacademic #chronicconditions #disability
Anyone wake up and see the array of daily meds you have to take staring back at you and want to just go back to fucking bed #Tired #ChronicConditions
The warm home discount is now only for those in the pension guarantee. The goal posts have been moved so far out of reach for the people it was meant for many millions of vulnerable & disabled will be literally left out in the cold this winter. Read my blog:
#warmhomediscount #disabled #vulnerable #chronicconditions #ehlersdanlossyndrome #pensionguarantee #whd2022 #WHD #winteriscoming #leftoutinthecold #meanstolive
#warmhomediscount #disabled #vulnerable #chronicconditions #ehlersdanlossyndrome #pensionguarantee #whd2022 #WHD #winterIsComing #leftoutinthecold #meanstolive
I'm the kind of person that puts stuff online and then a few months later nukes everything from orbit. It's happened with my 4 blogs and both my newsletters. I often wonder when I'll grow out of the destructive phase... If ever...
#chaos #chronicconditions #anxiety #depression