I will stop posting about my #headaches eventually, I swear.
But I have a nasty one again. Reaching for a painkiller (I got through yesterday without one though).
Seriously over this headache.
From tomorrow morning I’m starting my stretching exercises again. I can’t do the full set because of the sciatica but after a week or so of doing the upper body ones usually my headaches ease a little.
Not sure what to do for the rest of tonight. Maybe I can manage to watch some TV, or I could close my eyes and listen to a podcast.
#sclife #chronicheadaches #chronicpain
Can confirm my body swats away 200mg of ibuprofen like a mildly distracting fly, thus allowing it no influence.
#chronicheadaches #headache #chronicpain
Case study finds #plantbaseddiet can stop #chronicheadaches #migraines
#Migraines #chronicheadaches #plantbaseddiet