My #humblesoup of the day. Zoodles with Hatch pepper sausage, green onions, tomato pesto sauce, and homemade chicken broth, topped with parmesan. Humble soups are wonderful for #chronicillness, and #quickmeal, because as long as you have stock, a seasoning, and something to put in it, you always have a tasty, comforting meal. Great way to use up leftovers, and experiment with new flavors, and grocery stores offer lots of foods already prepped, making it easier to cook.
#humblesoup #chronicillness #quickmeal
More ideological cruelty from the state and the DWP:
‘Fitness for work’ test changes are ‘horrendously dangerous’, activists warn – Disability News Service
#Disability #DisabilityJustice #DWP #AbolishTheState #DPAC #ChronicIllness
#disability #DisabilityJustice #DWP #abolishthestate #DPAC #chronicillness
About hope and the way it can work for you. About worrying beforehand, and how that can be an waste of energy..
Decided to start taking my #health back by force. This morning I did 50 push ups, 5 pull ups, 30 mins of #yoga, and a #30 min walk while reading #StarWars Lost Tribe of the #Sith.
For context working out usually makes me feel miserable and ruins my digestion for the next day or 2. Doing okay so far. I think the yoga helps. Starting a #fast now.
It's nice to be #reading again, even If my focus is all over the place.
#health #yoga #starwars #sith #fast #reading #chronicillness #adhd #lucasfilm #books #exercise
“What Does It Mean to Really, Truly Rest?” (December 2022)
#spoonie @spoonies #chronicillness @chronicillness #fatigue #fatiguetips #chronicfatigue #chronicfatiguesucks #pacing #rest #resting @mecfs #MEcfs #CFS #MyalgicE #PwME #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #MyE #ME #millionsmissing #CFSME @longcovid
#LongCovid #PwLC #PostCovidSyndrome #LC #postcovid
#spoonie #chronicillness #fatigue #fatiguetips #chronicfatigue #chronicfatiguesucks #pacing #rest #resting #mecfs #cfs #myalgice #pwme #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #chronicfatiguesyndrome #mye #me #millionsmissing #cfsme #LongCovid #pwlc #postcovidsyndrome #lc #PostCovid
"It’s discouraging and isolating, especially when you feel that you can’t make plans simply because you do not know that you’ll be able to carry them out."
@chronicillness @spoonies @mecfs @longcovid
#chronicillness #chroniclife #ChronicPain
#Spoonielife #ChronicIllnesses
#MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #MEcfs #CFS #PwME #LongCovid #PwLC #PostCovidSyndrome #postcovid #postcovid19 #LC
#chronicillness #chroniclife #chronicpain #spoonielife #ChronicIllnesses #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #chronicfatiguesyndrome #mecfs #cfs #pwme #LongCovid #pwlc #postcovidsyndrome #PostCovid #PostCovid19 #lc
UK Government Work Capability Assessment: Activities & Descriptors Open Consultation
The government is seeking views on changing the questions on the WCA "so that assessments reflect greater flexibility and availability of reasonable adjustments in work, particularly home working..." & "The application of Risk to Self or Others..." Closing date for responses October 30
#chronicillness @chronicillness #spoonies @spoonies #mecfs #disability #disabled
#chronicillness #spoonies #mecfs #disability #disabled
Die einen kloppen sich ⛔
#fckPutin #fcknzs ...
einige verbünden sich ⛔
#fcknzs #fckafd ...
viele können nicht 💚
#chronicillness #alleinerziehend ...
unzählig viele vernetzen sich ✅
#lg #umweltschutz #klimaschutz #autokorrektur #kinderschutz #menschenrechte #feminismus #bge #demokratie #essensretter #repaircafe #fff #cleanupday2023 #newwork #nabu #omasgegenrechts #freiwilligefeuerwehr #selbsthilfegruppen #ccc #fediverse ... ... ... ... ... ...
#fediverse #ccc #selbsthilfegruppen #freiwilligefeuerwehr #omasgegenrechts #nabu #newwork #cleanupday2023 #fff #repaircafe #essensretter #demokratie #bge #feminismus #menschenrechte #kinderschutz #autokorrektur #klimaschutz #umweltschutz #lg #alleinerziehend #chronicillness #fckafd #fcknzs #fckPutin
Lazy day today, if for no other reason that I forgot my bedtime meds so spent most of the night tap dancing in my sleep. Among other things. Thought to check at 6AM when I was wandering the house in sheer frustration. Took 'em. Went back to bed with alarms switched off, so at least I got some equilibrium back.
But I am a wee bit cross eyed, metaphorically speaking.
I am pondering all these external modifiers I take for my survival. I mean it's okay - I'm not questionning them. Just kind of contemplating. #ChronicIllness
#disability #art #comics #ChronicallyOnline #ChronicIllness
Chronically online, emphasis on -chronically-
#chronicillness #ChronicallyOnline #comics #art #disability
"You may have to start cancelling plans, which can leave you feeling flaky and unreliable, especially when those plans were with someone that saw you on a good day recently."
@chronicillness @spoonies @mecfs @longcovid
#chronicillness #chroniclife #ChronicPain
#Spoonielife #ChronicIllnesses
#MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #MEcfs #CFS #PwME #LongCovid #PwLC #PostCovidSyndrome #postcovid #postcovid19 #LC
#chronicillness #chroniclife #chronicpain #spoonielife #ChronicIllnesses #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #chronicfatiguesyndrome #mecfs #cfs #pwme #LongCovid #pwlc #postcovidsyndrome #PostCovid #PostCovid19 #lc
"Fluctuating conditions are also shockingly unpredictable, especially at first, when you don’t know what will trigger a flare or are not yet experienced enough to recognize the warning signs."
#chronicillness #chroniclife #ChronicPain
#Spoonielife #ChronicIllnesses
@chronicillness @spoonies @mecfs @longcovid #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #MEcfs #CFS #PwME #LongCovid #PwLC #PostCovidSyndrome #postcovid #postcovid19 #LC
#chronicillness #chroniclife #chronicpain #spoonielife #ChronicIllnesses #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #chronicfatiguesyndrome #mecfs #cfs #pwme #LongCovid #pwlc #postcovidsyndrome #PostCovid #PostCovid19 #lc
Was ahead of schedule for once while getting ready for work but then I had the temerity to take a shower so I guess I have to take a nap now. #ChronicIllness
So tired. All the time. So hungry. All the time. Can’t eat more than a couple mouthfuls without my abdomen feeling disgustingly full and swollen. This really really sucks. This morning I fed and watered my little container garden, strained my kefir, and cooked a fresh-picked zucchini (ate half, gave half to mom). That’s it for the day, no more spoons.
Yes, I’m feeling sorry for myself.
Just a grumble!
My BP has dropped badly again, splitting fkn headache, can't take anything for it and I'm bloody melting cause I'm not built for this heat.
Its not making stitching much fun today.
Plus side, the neighbour from hell has buggered off again, so at least I can relax a bit more (she stays at her partners most of the time).
I'd scream if my head wasn't so sore.
Roll on Monday and the GP again.
#fiisagrumpycowtoday #chronicillness #toohot #randomthoughts
Another great list from @fivebooks I read Sanatorium by Abi Palmer when it was published as an e-book but it’s now also available on audio through Spiracle Audiobooks. And Sea Bean is already on my reading list | ‘Living with a long-term condition or #disability is difficult, says Polly Atkin, the author of Some of Us Just Fall. Those affected often feel isolated, misunderstood, or frustrated by their interactions with the medical establishment. But books about #ChronicIllness will remind you that you are not alone; here, she recommends five memoirs that offer insight into the "kingdom of the unwell."
#bookstodon #disabled #reading
#ChronicPain @disability @bookstodon
#disability #chronicillness #bookstodon #disabled #reading #chronicpain
Call out for testimonies of disabled people in private housing:
#Disability #DisabilityRights #ChronicIllness #PrivateHousing
#disability #DisabilityRights #chronicillness #privatehousing
Do you have ME/CFS or Long Covid. either formally diagnosed or suspected? Fill out the survey at + share it on social media and with your support groups and others
With your help we hope to inspire future research.
from for a survey by
#mecfs #LongCovid #chronicillness #patientforpatient
I wrote about how #disability #chronicIllness #longcovid #mecfs has impacted my capacity to maintain a true daily list of "non-negotiables" and how this concept relates to our understanding of #interdependence :
#disability #chronicillness #longcovid #mecfs #interdependence
I thought this was very good
"Riding the Roller Coaster of Fluctuating Disability"
"When people think about #disability or #chronicillness, they tend to do so in a very black and white sort of way: Either you are completely #disabled, or you are not — this is your permanent status, and your disability (or lack thereof) will affect you the same way today as it will tomorrow.
Were it only that simple"
@chronicillness @spoonies @disability @mecfs @longcovid
#disability #chronicillness #disabled