Wow! The night chorus is quite loud tonight. They must like the humidity.
#chronicInsomnia #biphasicSleep
#chronicinsomnia #biphasicsleep
Am I really done sleeping for the night? That's what I get for falling asleep at 8pm. I've got too much socializing tomorrow for this nonsense.
I usually try my best to resist the urge to nap but it sneaked up on me. Now, my fellow insomniacs know that this was a rookie move. Yup, there will be no sleep tonight. I have projects and am prepared. Here's the question: do I tempt the nightmares by watching a horror movie at night, by myself or do I just watch American Dad from the first episode again? Blue Planet, you say? Got it!
Really, brain? I was drowsy at 8pm but I didn't want to go to bed with the sun still out. Now, nope! I guess missed my window of opportunity.
I have made peace with not being able to fall asleep. I have not made peace with waking up and not being able to go back to sleep.
It's almost midnight. I think my brain is finished sleeping
Trying to figure out what to watch
I feel like I've seen everything. Do I have to resort to Cocaine Bear? On a related note, does Grimm get good? I have tried it multiple times, but never make past 2-3 episodes. Should I stick with it?
#nowWatching #grimm #chronicInsomnia
#nowwatching #grimm #chronicinsomnia
I can't really be done sleeping for the night and it's not even 1 yet.
I'm too much of a wimp to watch the rest of Infinity Pool after Mr Kamikat had gone to bed, so I guess it's back to the X-Files
#nowWatching #chronicInsomnia
3am, still no signs of sleep. I gave up on #sewing, as my machine sounded very loud. The day is going to suuuuuuck!
Of course as soon as one dog goes back to sleep, another one needs to go out. I think evening walkies need to stay in our routine even though we have our yard back.
Look who's trying to change her relationship with insomnia. The neck wrap light that I bought for knitting works well for coloring after everyone else has gone to bed. It totally bypassed all the ramp up of anxiety/frustration/restlessness/loneliness that always surface during a bad insomnia bout.
#adultcoloring #coloritmandalas8 #chronicinsomnia
#adultcoloring #coloritmandalas8 #chronicinsomnia
We were going to go-to a fancy vegan restaurant to celebrate my birthday but I don't think I can face the whole sit-down dinning process so we're going to that tiny joint down the road that has vegan "chick'n" and waffles. Must not forget to get hash browns this time.
#veganfood #ChronicInsomnia
It's that point in a night when I have to decide if I'm going to give up, turn on the lights and do something or just lie here, waiting until the sun comes up.
#chronicinsomnia #postconcussionsyndrome
I knew that nap yesterday was a mistake.
I've now gone 2 full work weeks with my insomnia flaring up and getting 4 hours of sleep at best. What id give to get a good night's/day's sleep again....
#insomnia #ChronicInsomnia
If I go to sleep right now, I can get 4 hours before the dogs wake up.
Fell asleep on the couch and now wide awake. I have tried a ton of cheesey comedies, hoping to find something light, not too taxing, easy to fall asleep to. Another Period is better than I expected.
I managed to get 6 hours of sleep last night. It's going to take a couple days to recover from this sleep deficit but I feel so much more human, very much less Tyler Durden.