Well the vote is in, and the biggest voting bloc is correct: the Amazonian dogheaded cyclops-monopod cannibals were Scandinavian. More specifically, they were Swedes (who have subsequently done much to improve their image).
#history #medieaval #literature #chronicles
Watching an earth worm. Earlier I knocked a divorced snail (a slug) off my soda bottle.
#slugs #are #homeless #snails #earth #worms #also #underrated #camping #chronicles
#slugs #are #homeless #snails #earth #worms #also #underrated #camping #chronicles
I haven’t had the courage to revisit #Dragonlance or the #Chronicles because I fear the Suck Fairy might have stopped by any given them a once over. I think I’ll just keep all the happy memories and leave it at that.
Incidentally, and because I was late to the party on this little fae creature:
The #StarWars #Chronicles hardcover books are excellent gifts for the nerdy & detail-oriented like me. The amount of information in there is amazing. I fully endorse.
The #StarWars #Chronicles hardcover books are excellent gifts for the nerdy & detail-oriented like me. The amount of information in there is amazing. I fully endorse.
Un buen exponente del maltrecho género de galería de tiro sobre railes ambientado en el mundo de #residentevil #Darkside continua y mejora el buen hacer de #umbrella #CHRONICLES
#Wii #Nintendo #buoh #retoamstrad
#residentevil #darkside #umbrella #chronicles #wii #nintendo #buoh #RetoAMSTRAD
Encendemos nuestra querida WII para disfrutar un clásico moderno del género de galería de tiro sobre railes. Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles.
#residentevil #darside #chronicles #capcom #wii #claire #leon
1 #Chronicles 13:9-10 And when they came unto the threshingfloor of Chidon, Uzza put forth his hand to hold the #ark for the oxen stumbled. And the anger of the #LORD was kindled against Uzza, and he smote him, because he put his hand to the ark: and there he died before #God.
"...Furthermore, everything is smaller. Socialism, astrophysics, real estate speculation, yoga, all the asceticism of yoga… Everything is smaller. Man has only two essential goals: to love and to type. To type with two fingers and love with his whole life." - Antonio Maria, Brazilian chronicler, gonzo journalist and composer.
#brazil #literature #chronicles #mpb
#mpb #chronicles #literature #brazil
Recensione di Xenoblade Chronicles 3: L`ultimo grande RPG su Sw #recensione #xenoblade #chronicles #lultimo #4agosto https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cucG9ja2V0LWxpbnQuY29tL2l0LWl0L2dpb2NoaS9yZWNlbnNpb25lL25pbnRlbmRvLzE2MjEwNS1yZWNlbnNpb25lLWRpLXhlbm9ibGFkZS1jaHJvbmljbGVzLTM=
#4agosto #lultimo #chronicles #xenoblade #recensione
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 � qui: la critica lo acclama e gi� si parla del DLC - HDblog.it #xenoblade #chronicles #critica #acclama #parla #hdblogit #31luglio https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuaGRibG9nLml0L25pbnRlbmRvL2FydGljb2xpL241NTk1MDUveGVub2JsYWRlLWNocm9uaWNsZXMtMy1kbGMtcGFzcy1xdWFuZG8tdm90by1zd2l0Y2gv
#31luglio #hdblogit #parla #acclama #critica #chronicles #xenoblade
Xenoblade Chronicles 3, le novit� del Direct: personaggi, gameplay e DLC - HDblog.it #xenoblade #chronicles #novit� #direct #personaggi #gameplay #hdblogit #22giugno https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuaGRibG9nLml0L25pbnRlbmRvL2FydGljb2xpL241NTc3NjUveGVub2JsYWRlLWNocm9uaWNsZXMtMy1kaXJlY3Qtc3dpdGNoLWRhdGEtZGxjLw==
#22giugno #hdblogit #gameplay #personaggi #direct #novit #chronicles #xenoblade
So they got up early in the morning and went out into the Wilderness of Tekoa; and as they went out, Jehoshaphat stood and said, “Hear me, O Judah, and you inhabitants of Jerusalem! Believe and trust in the Lord your God and you will be established (secure). Believe and trust in His prophets and succeed.”
-2 Chronicles 20:20
#scripture #chronicles #bible #godbless
"Puyo Puyo Panties"
Arle just wanted to show off her new panties. She might be able to pull off a more impressive combo with such a distraction.
#puyopuyo #chronicles #Arle #panties #nsfw #Sega #loli #dresslift
#puyopuyo #chronicles #arle #panties #nsfw #sega #loli #dresslift