Riddick was released 10 years ago today.
It was the last "Chronicles of Riddick " story. But back in February, Vin Diesel and director/writer David Twohy announced that they had begun work on pre-production for a fourth film, Furya. We shall see.
#scifi #riddick #vindiesel #davidtwohy #chroniclesofriddick
#scifi #riddick #vindiesel #davidtwohy #chroniclesofriddick
I can't be the only one that rewatched these ridiculous movies recently… #visionPro #chroniclesOfRiddick
#visionpro #chroniclesofriddick
Who wants to play Necros vs Mercs?
#chroniclesofriddick #geekden #2023projects
Now I understand why this movie is not a classic. Looks like they were angling for it to be the first of a series, too.
The big problems included:
* No explanation of why Riddick's people were so exceptionally tough / talented fighters
* The Neceomongers' leader had actually been to the promised land and so he was a true believer. We the audience were never privy to a peek at the promised land / what this guy was fighting for.
The flow, the adventure, the "prophecy now more than 30 years old," it all has the cadence of a sci fi romance novel. Is that why Vin Diesel was cast? To serve as a next gen Fabio?
Ah, ok. The Neceomongers are missionaries, and the message is essentially, convert or die.
One of the missionaries is Karl Urban! McCoy from the Star Trek reboot! Butcher from the Boys!
Dame Judi Dench is in this movie!!! Exchanging dialogue with Vin Diesel!!!
I would not have thought it possible.
Oof...I am having a hard time with Vin Diesel in any role other than Dominic Toretto.
"Neceomongers"!? 🤣🤣🤣
Every time I see the Gravity Falls tag, I keep going "Huh, that's a lot of attention & love still for a 2009 13-episode one season #scifi series".
#DefyingGravity name never remembered by me, and since I only remembered "That dark chick, not in Riddick after all I see, gah, do I have to find it thru the blonde I hated in TR2070 then?" for clues how to find it....
Welcome to this toot post all that.
And #ChristinaCox IS in #ChroniclesOfRiddick, so boo Google some more.
#scifi #defyinggravity #christinacox #chroniclesofriddick
Of course there is always the giant-sized Necromancer space-ship statuary of galactic conquest! How could I forget to include this Bad Boy of all Bad Boys? It makes you want to pee your pants with the Death Cult Oppressive Regime Overlords Gigantic Monsterousness of it all! For people in love with death they sure wanted to make sure they were seen for infinity.
You keep what you kill!
#chroniclesofriddick #dreambig #statues #scifi