Chronic Pain Relief

When dealing with chronic pain, the main issue to address is inflammation in the body.

At Conners Clinic, we highly recommend CBD products for those with chronic pain, such as cancer patients. Check out for high quality CBD products we know & trust.

THC is another option for those who experience severe pain related symptoms. Check on the legality of THC in your state, especially if you are a person with a cancer diagnosis, as this can greatly improve pain.

Learn more about CBD & THC by watching Episode 5, a Q & A with Dr. Conners, by going to the IGTV section of our profile or clicking the link in our bio!

#cbdproducts #chronicpainrelief #functionalnutritionist #alternativecancertreatments #holisticmedicine #alternativehealing #ConnersClinic

Last updated 2 years ago

Chronic Pain Relief

When dealing with chronic pain, the main issue to address is inflammation in the body. Look into products with Curcumin, Boswellia, Betalyn, or stinging nettle to help combat stubborn inflammation in the body, as this can greatly improve pain.

At Conners Clinic, we highly recommend CBD products for those with chronic pain, such as cancer patients. Check out for high quality CBD products we know & trust.

THC is another option for those who experience severe pain related symptoms. Check on the legality of THC in your state, especially if you are a person with a cancer diagnosis, as this can greatly improve pain. And remember, marijuana is an herb.

#cbdproducts #chronicpainrelief #functionalnutritionist #alternativecancertreatments #holisticmedicine #alternativehealing #ConnersClinic

Last updated 2 years ago