New results in a mouse model "demonstrate the rapid and potent effects of [artificial light at night] on cerebrovascular networks, highlighting the importance of ALAN mitigation in the context of health and cerebrovascular disease."
#Neuroscience #Chronobiology #MouseModel #ModelOrganism #Cerebrovascular #ALAN
#neuroscience #chronobiology #mousemodel #modelorganism #cerebrovascular #ALAN
Most fascinating art-science exhibition on #chronobiology and #daylight - a must see at EPFL Pavilions. Best when the sun shines outside, for the beauty of this work by Olafur Eliason
#epflcampus #daylight #chronobiology
Thank you Professor! That's a great recommendation! I will read it for sure. I think it's impossible to say that we've done everything, since we don't know everything. A succession of events is exactly how I think #chronobiology these days. Time is an intriguing #mystery.
"Um céu estrelado para o ritmo circadiano"
Tema de Capa da Newsletter da Sociedade Portuguesa de Endocrinologia, Diabetes e Metabolismo (#SPEDM)
#cronobiologia #endocrinologia #PoluiçãoLuminosa #ALAN #chronobiology
#spedm #cronobiologia #endocrinologia #poluicaoluminosa #ALAN #chronobiology
New letter to the editor: A response to our recent article on daylight saving and time zones
Fatality risks in eccentric time localities: Not that elevated by José María Martín-Olalla
#daylightsaving #chronobiology #timezones
Divulgação pelo #IA do programa Biosfera (prod. Farol de Ideias) sobre #PoluiçãoLuminosa
#lightpollution #pollutionlumineuse #contaminacionluminica #contaminacionluminosa
#IA #InstitutodeaAstrofisicaeCienciasdoEspaco
#Biosfera #RTPPlay #biodiversidade #biodiversity #darkskies #ALAN #sono #sleep #cronobiologia #chronobiology
#ia #poluicaoluminosa #lightpollution #pollutionlumineuse #contaminacionluminica #contaminacionluminosa #institutodeaastrofisicaecienciasdoespaco #biosfera #rtpplay #biodiversidade #biodiversity #darkskies #ALAN #sono #sleep #cronobiologia #chronobiology
500 days in a cave.
Did you know that pioneers of #chronobiology used cave isolation like this to document human #circadian rhythms? How would you deal with the lack of external time?
More non-circadian #chronobiology for science Sunday: how do lunar cycles guide the spawning of corals? And is there a self sustaining clock that controls this?
RT @ant_dodd
We report that a nuclear-encoded sigma factor combines #circadian and low temperature signals. It helps photosynthesis during long-term cold. Kudos to first authors @Dodka_ @PanterPaige and everyone involved #plants #chronobiology @NaturePlants
#circadian #plants #chronobiology
RT @ant_dodd
Cool study of cyanobacterial circadian entrainment, involving real-time tracking of multiple clock-associated components #chronobiology
If you're near to Lausanne, do check out a new art and science exhibition on #chronobiology, 'Lighten Up! On Biology and Time' by @EPFLPavilions which opens March 24th.
Some of the works can be seen online at
RT @EPFLPavilions
Our new exhibition will open on 24 March!
Through the lens of art, 'Lighten Up! On Biology and Time' explores the connection of living organisms with the …
I love seeing this kind of depiction of #chronobiology. It's so clear, so visual how our human lives follow a rhythm, but one that is unique to each individual.
RT @SRBR_Outreach
Where are you right now on this activity plot? Do you fit in with the crowd, or are you at the tail of the distribution?
HT @kim1n4o for sending this fascinating illustration of #chronotype by @Ros_Rodriguez_…
Continuing the #plantclock theme, this new review considers the impact of domestication on the plant clock. Can we improve the nutritional value of food through a greater understanding of #chronobiology? See more here by Siqueira et al @shogur:
A #chronobiology and palaeontology cross-over in this new study by Zhou Feng and colleagues. Ancient evidence of plant circadian rhythms revealed by insect feeding damage on fossilised plants:
Circadian biology is the subject of this beautiful art piece by @LauraBundesen.
Are there other #chronobiology artists out there? Get in touch, we'd love to showcase your work.
RT @LauraBundesen
“A Stitch in Time” 16x20 collaboration/commission piece exploring circadian rhythms, wake/sleep cycles, day/night and time 💜💛in fabric, thread, beads, buttons, charms and paint. Soon to be the star of a blog post 🌟
For specialist and non-specialists alike. Check out the back catalogues on the respective websites too!
RT @SRBR_Outreach
Are you interested in #circadian rhythms, #chronobiology, and #sleep? Do make use of the many virtual lectures from our colleagues. Links below.
from @NWA_BioClock:
from @mspitschan:…
#sleep #chronobiology #circadian
Are you interested in #circadian rhythms, #chronobiology, and #sleep? Do make use of the many virtual lectures from our colleagues. Links below.
from @NWA_BioClock:
from @mspitschan:
from @ResearchSleep:
#sleep #chronobiology #circadian
This article in The Guardian links together time keeping and the climate crisis.
But the authors of the study might want to also take into account the impacts on human health from living in time zones that differ widely from solar time (including higher traffic fatalities), as a recent paper in our Journal shows:
#TheGuardian #DaylightSaving #Chronobiology #TimeZones #ClimateChange
#theguardian #daylightsaving #chronobiology #timezones #climatechange
RT @ant_dodd
Really interesting work- nutritional compensation in the Neurospora circadian clock, which seems to involve multiple clock-associated components. Intriguing parallels with other eukaryotic systems also #chronobiology
#dosingtimematters for human medicine
#chronobiology #circadian #biomedical #medicine #sciencesunday #DosingTimeMatters