@thindil I'm actually using #LFS as a reference to get around the weirdest issues "bootstrapping" some #GNU toolchain at all. But of course it can't be used as is, LFS expects to be built on some Linux system and even uses #chroot to build some packages, definitely impossible using #FreeBSD #ports.
I certainly don't want two package managers on my system. Plus, a #Linuxulator userland should only install what's *different* from the normal FreeBSD userland, because /compat/linux works as an "overlay".
Trying to create new ports/packages for the Linuxulator userland is cumbersome, first you have to rely on what the repackaged distro offers, second you have to understand the special repackaging magic used.... that's exactly what I *hope* to improve by just building from source. No, I'm not convinced myself yet this is a good idea, I have to try!
#lfs #gnu #chroot #freebsd #ports #linuxulator
Chroot into an encrypted ZFS installation from live media or alternatives #partitioning #encryption #zfs #chroot
#partitioning #encryption #zfs #chroot
Learn how to manage chroot environments on Linux https://www.admin-magazine.com/News/Using-Linux-Chroot-Environments #Linux #chroot #OpenSource #testing #AtomsApp
#linux #chroot #opensource #testing #atomsapp
Download Ubuntu rootfs #systeminstallation #filesystem #chroot #container
#systeminstallation #filesystem #chroot #container
Download Ubuntu rootfs #filesystem #chroot #container #rootfs
#filesystem #chroot #container #rootfs
Someone of the @manjarolinux users asked #ChatGPT how to #chroot. Thoughts?
#manjaro #linux
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/ManjaroLinux/status/1642128698202804225
#chatgpt #chroot #manjaro #linux
Run Ubuntu Touch in chroot container on Android #ubuntutouch #android #chroot #container
#ubuntutouch #android #chroot #container
Banging my head against the wall trying to learn how to make #chroot jails in FreeBSD. I get the basics, but to get things like proper networking (TLS) and a few other things (device files?) right has been quite confusing. Leaving it for tomorrow
Interesting reading highlighting the similarities between chroot and containers : https://earthly.dev/blog/chroot/ #linux #chroot #docker #containers
#linux #chroot #docker #containers
How to Restrict SSH User Access to Certain Directory Using Chrooted Jail #ssh #chroot https://www.tecmint.com/restrict-ssh-user-to-directory-using-chrooted-jail/
Note, that the new release #Debian 12 #bookworm is not that far, maybe some months. From the current #testing to the final stable not too much should change. You might take the risk to migrate to bookworm now, but sure, testing is still testing 🙂 On my personal machine, I always run testing, anyway.
Another option is to run #Emacs in a "testing" #chroot, esp. with the tool #schroot (note the starting letter "s"). Didn't try myself, though.
#schroot #chroot #emacs #testing #bookworm #debian