Considering Zach Levi and Adam Baldwin both turned out to be inflamed shitstained assholes, I am now suspect of anyone involved in the making of #Chuck. Yvonne Strahovski? More like Yvonne Sushovski.
But seriously it's really hard to enjoy Chuck and I loved that show.
Guilty Pleasure war auch noch im Briefkasten. Hatte ich tatsächlich noch nicht. #neuzugang #bluray #chuck #norris #mia
#neuzugang #bluray #chuck #norris #mia
El actor #ZacharyLevi conocido por sus papeles en #Chuck y #Shazam ataca duramente al #cine de #Hollywood
#zacharylevi #chuck #shazam #cine #hollywood
Je viens de finir la saison 1 de #TheRecruit sur Netflix
On y suit un avocat fraîchement sorti d'école et recruté par la CIA. ça vire rapidement sur de l'espionnage très classique, un peu comme dans #Chuck, le prétexte de l'avocat servant surtout à avoir un anti-héros confronté à des vrais méchants
C'était très sympa, ça me rappelle un peu le format et le style d'intrigues de la série #Alias
C'est un poil mieux ficelé pour l'instant, même si la scène finale m'a déçu
Pa Gorg and Chuck from The Muppets - kiss when? #Muppets #PaGorg #JerryNelson #Chuck #FrankOz
#muppets #pagorg #jerrynelson #chuck #frankoz
Leighton Meester ft. Robin Thicke – Somebody To Love
##302 #301 #303 #304 #305 #306 #307 #308 #309 #AllGossipGirlMusic #blair #Boys #chuck #Commerical #CW #dan #Deutsch #english #episode #Fortune #Freshmen #From #german #GG^^^^ #girl #gossip #jenny #LILY #Lost #Music #musicfromgossipgirl #Musik #Nate #neu #New #OF #on #part #promo #ProSieben #Reversals #rufus #SEASON #Serena #show #SOUNDTRACK #THE #TV #usa #Vanessa #wtf #xoxo #レイトン・ミースター
#allgossipgirlmusic #blair #boys #chuck #commerical #cw #dan #deutsch #english #episode #fortune #freshmen #from #german #gg #girl #gossip #jenny #lily #lost #music #musicfromgossipgirl #musik #nate #neu #new #of #on #part #promo #prosieben #reversals #rufus #season #serena #show #soundtrack #the #tv #usa #vanessa #wtf #xoxo #レイトン・ミースター
I miss the sense of community I had from watching...
...#StargateSG1, #StargateAtlantis, #Haven, #Eureka, #Warehouse13, & #Alphas on SyFy.
...#BurnNotice, #NecessaryRoughness, & #WhiteCollar in the USA.
...#Chuck on NBC.
...#Bones on FOX.
...#Castle on ABC.
#castle #bones #chuck #whitecollar #necessaryroughness #BurnNotice #alphas #warehouse13 #eureka #haven #stargateatlantis #stargatesg1
Y’know, between it being Sarah’s first favourite song in #Chuck, Aubrey Plaza dancing to it in #Legion [and awakening feelings you didn’t know you had], and now here, I’m just gonna say it:
There is no better song than Nina Simone’s “feeling good”. Period. Full stop. Exclamation mark!
[And whenever it is put into a piece of media, it simply makes it better threefold.]
#chuck #legion #professormarstonandthewonderwomen #ninasimone #feelinggood
John Richard Clayton designed … the Last Supper mosaic on the High Altar in Westminster Abbey …his design was executed with Italian Antonio Salviati.
For the High Altar mosaic he invented a technique for encasing tesserae in glass to preserve the colours.
Unlike Leonardo’s popular painting of the Last Supper, this has 2 of the apostles on the viewer’s side of the table. Jesus is the only one standing, in the centre, and he appears to be asking “alright, which of you jokers ordered the Belugas’ Caviar?”
There is still no small dog lurking under the table hoping for crumbs, but i think it’s rather a neat piece of art, all in all.
o heavens … now Sunak is talking about spiritual enlightenment 🙄
Is anyone going to collect these? I loved the Machin and I have way too many of them. Right now I do not think I will collect the “Chuck.”
Chuck and George Rabbit from The Muppets flirting with each other would absolutely break the internet! #Muppets #Chuck #FrankOz #GeorgeRabbit #RichardHunt
#muppets #chuck #frankoz #georgerabbit #richardhunt
Ich musste meinen Rewatch von #Chuck unterbrechen, weil die Serie bei Amazon auf einmal kostet. Also ein Rewatch von #whitecollar