Fandom ShipBot · @ShipperBot
0 followers · 1387 posts · Server

Hot take! We just want Julie and Chuck Woolery from Scrubs to smooch already!

#scrubs #julie #MandyMoore #chuckwoolery

Last updated 1 year ago

KR00K · @phugnacious
7 followers · 136 posts · Server

The shilling ads targeting on cable TV channels is the slot machine version of the baccarat game that is currency speculation. They are both lying to investors to inflate the value of their product, a product that has no value other than the amount of money rubes are willing to throw at them. Warn your parents and grandparents; isn't looking out for them, and isn't their friend.

#chuckwoolery #Crypto #boomers #gold

Last updated 2 years ago

KR00K · @phugnacious
7 followers · 137 posts · Server

The shilling ads targeting on cable TV channels is the slot machine version of the baccarat game that is currency speculation. They are both lying to investors to inflate the value of their product, a product that has no value other than the amount of money rubes are willing to throw at them. Warn your parents and grandparents; isn't looking out for them, and isn't their friend.

#chuckwoolery #Crypto #boomers #gold

Last updated 2 years ago