Proposed National #Marine Sanctuary open for comments until Oct. 25th.
The Northern #Chumash #Tribal Council submitted the sanctuary nomination in 2015. #NOAA's proposed designation would protect marine ecosystems and highlight the cultural values and connections of #Indigenous communities.
See this link to comment
#marinesanctuary #nativeamerican #NOAA #map #gaviota #MorroBay #pismobeach
#marine #chumash #tribal #noaa #Indigenous #marinesanctuary #nativeamerican #map #gaviota #morrobay #pismobeach
Much needed additions to the toot. #Chumash #marinesanctuary #California
#chumash #marinesanctuary #california
#Chumash tribe fights to protect California's #coastline and its history - The Washington Post #CAPol #CAEnergy #OSW #Energy #Climate #Indigenous
#chumash #coastline #CApol #caenergy #osw #energy #climate #indigenous
If you like ArtScroll siddurim then you might like “The Chumash: The Stone Edition” aka The ArtScroll Chumash. Nosson Scherman
#chumash #pentateuch #torahs #seforim #sifreikodesh
Also -
“The Pentateuch and Haftorahs”,
aka The Hertz Pentateuch. by Rabbi J. D. Hertz.
For most of the 20th century this was the standard in most English-speaking synagogues. It explains the spiritual teachings of the Torah from a wide range of classical and scholarly literature. Some sections focus on Peshat, others on Derash.
This book’s apologetics against higher biblical criticism are outdated; otherwise the rest of it still holds up well.
What books should every Jewish housebound have? There are many, but one should be a chumash.
A Chumash is a Torah printed in book form, arranged for weekly liturgical readings in synagogues. Each weekly Torah portion is followed by a thematically related reading from another book in the Bible, called a haftarah.
A Chumash has: Torah portions broken into weekly readings, Haftarah readings, translations, and commentary.
#chumash #torah #torahstudy #beitmidrash
What Torah commentaries do you own? Which would you like to read next? Is there a study group in your community?
#Torah #Jews #Jewish #Judaism #Chumash #pentateuch #TorahCommentaries #meforshim #synagogues
#torah #jews #jewish #judaism #chumash #pentateuch #torahcommentaries #meforshim #synagogues