Heading off to a leaving do this afternoon (50yrs, it's quite something).
Looking for a clean t-shirt, I pulled out an old #Chumbawamba t-shirt that says
'well done, now sod off'
And I can't pretend I didn't seriously consider wearing it :-)
Anti #fascists
..."Come shoot the fascist with a gun
'Cause it's stopping us from unity
We cannot see reality
Just vanity insanity
Fusion cannot stand it see
No man fascist man will ever get me outta the land
So understand Fusion plan to stop them with a bang"
Day 18: Tubthumping - Chumbawamba
#tubthumping #chumbawamba #tiddleyompompom #thesonginmymcsheadis
“Our sunlight is not for franchise”
Uit bovenstaand artikel:
"Dan zijn er de diverse bewegingen in de dagen van de Engelse burgeroorlog, waarvan de #Diggers het bekendste voorbeeld zijn."
#Chumbawamba vertolkt hier The Diggers' Song:
#communal #anarchisme #chumbawamba #diggers
Sometimes #MusicMonday comes with a story...
This band, I first saw perform back in 1990 at a venue called the countapoint in Milton Keynes. A Goth/Rock hangout on a Sat night and I just happened to be assistant bar manager.
They were performing this song even back then.
#musicmonday #chumbawamba #tubthumping
Any #Chumbawamba fans in the house? Thought this would be appropriate on a day when a country is dropping millions on an unelected monarch when they could be feeding and housing people.
Fancy a pumped walk down memory lane? Then check out the These New South Whales cover of Chumbawamba's 'Tubthumping' on Triple J's Like A Version.
#TripleJ #AusMusic #TripleJLikeAVersion #LikeAVersion #Chumbawamba #Tubthumping
#triplej #ausmusic #triplejlikeaversion #likeaversion #chumbawamba #tubthumping
Just seen I get knocked down, a documentary about Dunstan Bruce and #Chumbawamba at the #BroadwayCinema #Nottingham Great film, really happy to tell a story of getting older and wondering where you are politically, weaving in the madness of having a huge mega song and bring part of the zeitgeist.
And Dunstan is lovely; happy to chat afterwards about life, the film and politics.
#chumbawamba #broadwaycinema #nottingham
Little has changed since #1994. In fact, things have even gotten worse on many levels.
#Homophobia #Chumbawamba #Anarchy #NowListening
#homophobia #chumbawamba #anarchy #nowlistening
🔊 #NowPlaying on KEXP's #SonicReducer
🎵 Invasion
#nowplaying #SonicReducer #chumbawamba
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio2's #ScottMillsWonderYears
🎵 Tubthumping
#nowplaying #ScottMillsWonderYears #chumbawamba
@anneroth @manolo @DisruptionNetworkLab #Chumbawamba bleiben unvergessen: "Give the fascist man a gunshot": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DsMqtySWHgY
Hinreißender Moment des #Genua-Workshops von @manolo beim @DisruptionNetworkLab letztes Wochenende:
Eine junge Frau fragte, wie sich #Indymedia denn finanziert hatte damals?
Und uns fiel wieder ein, dass #Chumbawamba einen Song an General Motors verkauft und die Einnahmen gespendet hatte: 50.000$. Die haben lange gehalten. https://www.salon.com/2002/01/30/chumbawamba/
Leider, das war zu sehen, kannte Sonntag kaum noch wer Chumbawamba..
Und um diesen Song ging's: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s16WP7ky-CA
#genua #indymedia #chumbawamba
Lesbiennes bestormden de BBC om ertegen te protesteren. Twintigduizend Mancuniërs gingen de straten van de stad op om ertegen te marcheren. Ian McKellen kwam uit de kast om ertegen te vechten. Het inspireerde liedjes van Boy George en #Chumbawamba
en een verontschuldiging van David Cameron.
Eind jaren 80 eisten de homo's en lesbiennes van het VK luidkeels gelijkheid, tot grote ergernis van de traditionalisten. Sectie 28 was het antwoord van
🔊 #NowPlaying on KEXP's #VarietyMix
🎵 Tubthumping
#nowplaying #VarietyMix #chumbawamba