I was born into an #Evangelical #Christian home in 1962. I knew from my first cognizant moment that I was a girl, but I had to argue that fact as soon as I could talk. A pesky protrusion noted on my birth day had me labeled wrong from the get-go.
#evangelical #christian #lgbtq #transgender #churchabuse #comingout #memoir
Hey #NBC and @nbcsnl, why is #Sinéad’s photo ripping video not on your YouTube channel? You posted the video where #JoePesci taped the photo back together, so why not Sinead’s? Really not fair considering that what she said turned out to be very true… #churchabuse #childabuse #CatholicChurch #Pope #SaturdayNightLive #SNL
#nbc #Sinead #joepesci #churchabuse #childabuse #catholicchurch #pope #saturdaynightlive #snl
Someone in this set of practice rooms is practicing “It Is Well With My Soul” on the piano, and it is triggering as hell 🤢🤢🤢
#exvangelical #fundiegelical #ReligiousTrauma #ReligiousAbuse #ChurchAbuse
#exvangelical #fundiegelical #religioustrauma #religiousabuse #churchabuse
Evergreen principles when discussing #spiritualabuse, #misogyny in #religion, or ways implicit bias & #racism land on #BIPOC in the #Church. #antiracism #religiousabuse #religioustrauma #religioustraumasyndrome #churchabuse #racism #evangelical #evangelical
#SpiritualAbuse #misogyny #religion #racism #bipoc #church #antiracism #religiousabuse #religioustrauma #religioustraumasyndrome #churchabuse #evangelical
At any rate, this movie feels surprisingly close to my heart. I’m grateful for the time I was able to spend in Mennonite spaces. It was healing for me as a woman, and helped me release religious nationalism/militaristic views of Christianity. But I wasn’t able to stay, and this movie touched my heart in a special way because of that. #exvangelical #ChurchAbuse
For a while in my deconstruction journey, I thought I might be able to find a spiritual home within the Mennonite community. (Lots of Mennonites don’t live on communes, wear caps & dresses, or have patriarchal local church leadership.) Then I learned about how one of the foremost Mennonite theologians of the current day SA’d many women all around the US. #SexualAbuse #ChurchAbuse #exvangelical
#sexualabuse #churchabuse #exvangelical
I have had some small experience in the more… liberal? modern?… corners of Mennonite culture, and it was (weirdly enough) where I first encountered women in preaching and pastoral roles, in ways that I had never before encountered in previous Christian “Complementarian” (patriarchal) environments.
It’s also where I first heard true pacifism taught, in marked contrast to the militaristic language of my home churches. #ChurchAbuse #exvangelical
Well this is quite disturbing information I just found out about. #Northview Community #Church is #antiLGBTQ. And this really hits hard cause I actually know family members that attend this church. Gonna try to convince them to switch to another church in town, cause the family members I know that go to this church are not like this. https://www.churchclarity.org/church/northview-community-church-1291 #homophobia #LGBT #LGBTQ #Pride #ChurchHate #Hate #Discrimination #Bigotry #Christianity #Religion #religousabuse #religousbullshit #religoustrauma #ChurchAbuse #churchtrauma #churchpropoganda
#northview #church #antilgbtq #homophobia #LGBT #LGBTQ #pride #churchhate #hate #discrimination #bigotry #Christianity #religion #religousabuse #religousbullshit #religoustrauma #churchabuse #churchtrauma #churchpropoganda
You think we were all born sinners but you could never be capable of racism 🥴
#BLM #race #black #white #diversity #church #jesus #god #christian #christianity #christiannationalism #evangelicalism #systemicoppression #systemicracism #implicitbias #systemic #Justice #racism #antiracism #antiracist #churchhurt #egalitarianism #sexism #misogyny #trump #churchabuse #churchtrauma #spiritualabuse #spiritualtrauma #religiousabuse #religioustrauma #emotionalabuse #emotionaldamage #emotionaltrauma
#blm #race #black #white #diversity #church #jesus #god #christian #christianity #ChristianNationalism #evangelicalism #systemicoppression #systemicracism #implicitbias #systemic #justice #racism #antiracism #antiracist #churchhurt #egalitarianism #sexism #misogyny #trump #churchabuse #churchtrauma #SpiritualAbuse #spiritualtrauma #religiousabuse #religioustrauma #EmotionalAbuse #emotionaldamage #emotionaltrauma
Global News BC: Former Metro Vancouver pastor charged with multiple counts of sexual assault https://globalnews.ca/news/9397187/former-metro-vancouver-pastor-charged-sexual-assault/ #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #NewWestminsterPoliceDepartment #SaanichPoliceDepartment #sexualassaultchurch #PastorEdwinAlvarez #NewWestminster #EdwinAlvarez #churchabuse #Saanich #Crime
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #NewWestminsterPoliceDepartment #saanichpolicedepartment #sexualassaultchurch #pastoredwinalvarez #newwestminster #edwinalvarez #churchabuse #Saanich #crime
We’re Live!
I’m joining @thekateboyd & Amanda Waldron, co-hosting Season 6 of Happy & Holy Podcast. They didn’t know any better. 😈 Listen here! 🎙
#jesus #god #church #christian #christianity #churchtoo #christiannationalism #evangelical #exevangelical #evangelicalism #churchtok #SBC #complementarianism #egalitarian #deconstructingchristianity
#churchabuse #spiritualabuse #emotionalabuse #emotionaldamage #churchhurt
#jesus #god #church #christian #christianity #churchtoo #ChristianNationalism #evangelical #exevangelical #evangelicalism #churchtok #sbc #complementarianism #egalitarian #deconstructingchristianity #churchabuse #SpiritualAbuse #EmotionalAbuse #emotionaldamage #churchhurt
An abuse survivor once told me that church leaders requested that she stop speaking publicly about how they had failed her in light of her own abuse because it was “hurting” other abuse survivors. Fortunately, she didn’t listen to their “advice”. https://bozlawpa.com/publications/caught-in-the-spotlight-christian-leaders-who-mishandle-sexual-abuse-disclosures/
#abuse #churchabuse #advocacy
An abuse survivor once told me that church leaders requested that she stop speaking publicly about how they had failed her in light of her own abuse because it was “hurting” other abuse survivors. Fortunately, she didn’t listen to their “advice”. https://bozlawpa.com/publications/caught-in-the-spotlight-christian-leaders-who-mishandle-sexual-abuse-disclosures/
#abuse #churchabuse #advocacy
An abuse survivor once told me that church leaders requested that she stop speaking publicly about how they had failed her in light of her own abuse because it was “hurting” other abuse survivors. Fortunately, she didn’t listen to their “advice”. #abuse #churchabuse #advocacy https://bozlawpa.com/publications/caught-in-the-spotlight-christian-leaders-who-mishandle-sexual-abuse-disclosures/
There is NO such thing as "women under 15"--those are *girls*, not women.
Pedophiles often hide behind "fundamentalist" and "traditional" so-called religious beliefs, and the press abets them with fuckery like this.
Also, notice how these pedophiles traffic their daughter amongst a circle of other pedophile abusers hiding behind religion all over the U.S.
#sextrafficking #churchabuse #childsexualabuse #pedophile
♻️ this #FridayFire just in time for Christmas carols
#christmas #christmasdecor #ohHolyNight #christmassongs #god #jesus #church #evangelical #churchabuse #churchtoo #churchhurt #religiousabuse #religioustrauma #spiritualabuse #spiritualtrauma
#fridayfire #christmas #christmasdecor #ohholynight #christmassongs #god #jesus #church #evangelical #churchabuse #churchtoo #churchhurt #religiousabuse #religioustrauma #SpiritualAbuse #spiritualtrauma
கிறிஸ்தவ தேவாலயங்களில் 3.30லட்சம் குழந்தைகளுக்கு பாலியல் தொல்லை! பகீர் தகவல்கள்…
https://patrikai.com/3-30-lakh-children-sexually-abused-in-churches-shocking-information/ via @patrikaidotcom@twitter.com
#churches #churchabuse #children #SexualAbuse