Resident of #SouthLondon, #Dad, #Husband, #ChurchGoer, #QualityAssurance, #NHS, #Community, #CommunityBuild #StrawBaleBuild #fairphonecommunity, #GreenbeltFestival, #ClimateEmergency, #PGDipHealthcareQualityManagement student, not necessarily in that order. A recent immigrant to Mastodon I like it here. Below an early photo of our Church / Community self build including my son on the then top of the wood frame for our two storey straw bale build.
#southlondon #dad #husband #churchgoer #qualityassurance #nhs #community #communitybuild #strawbalebuild #fairphonecommunity #greenbeltfestival #climateemergency #pgdiphealthcarequalitymanagement
Resident of #SouthLondon, #Dad, #Husband, #ChurchGoer, #QualityAssurance, #NHS, #Community, #CommunityBuild #StrawBaleBuild #fairphonecommunity, #GreenbeltFestival, #ClimateEmergency, #PGDipHealthcareQualityManagement student, not necessarily in that order. A recent immigrant to Mastodon I like it here. Below an early photo of our Church / Community self build including my son on the then top of the wood frame for our two storey straw bale build.
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#southlondon #dad #husband #churchgoer #qualityassurance #nhs #community #communitybuild #strawbalebuild #fairphonecommunity #greenbeltfestival #climateemergency #pgdiphealthcarequalitymanagement