@blackjoy @clayrivers The best thing about that statue is its placement. The SA Embassy is directly across Massachusetts Avenue from the #British Embassy, and its statue of #Churchill giving the “V-For-Victory” salute. #Mandela was placed across from him, giving a #BlackPower salute. It’s just a giant F—- You to #colonialism that I adore every time I pass it. So brilliant.
#colonialism #BlackPower #mandela #churchill #british
Yesterday I learned that Churchill proposed to merge the UK and France into one country in 1940.
#churchill #england #france #uk
Gestern habe ich gelernt, das Churchill 1940 vorgeschlagen hat, dass England und Frankreich ein gemeinsames Land werden.
#churchill #england #frankreich #uk
For all Peaceniks in the fediverse and the real world, who think one can negotiate with #fckptn on Ukraine. I strongly recommend to watch this clip from the movie "Independence Day". Hey #Scholz, hey #Pistorius, grow some balls and send #taurus to Ukraine. #Churchill didn't negotiate with #Hitler.
#fckptn #scholz #pistorius #Taurus #churchill #hitler
Neues aus #Friedenau:
#Dickie (eigentlich #Churchill, aka #Grumpie oder #Krallenwuschel) lebt!
Siehe auch https://berlin.social/@wikinaut/110328239359971311
#Friedenau #dickie #churchill #grumpie #krallenwuschel
@mcc @jwildeboer @jamiehowarth0 @gmr_leon as a longtime #Linux user and anti-Microsoft evangelist, I sometimes feel about Linux like a variation on that #Churchill quip: Linux is the worst operating system, except for all the others.
today's tiny newsletter
#Churchill #WWII #Germany #photography https://look.substack.com/p/photo-of-the-day-19c
#churchill #wwii #germany #photography
‘it is fair to call the Allies unambiguously the good guys’ https://twitter.com/irhottakes/status/1681731644477308928
No—Brits, Nazis were both pieces of 💩, with the latter significantly more evil.
#Churchill starved millions in Bengal and was openly racist. Gas chamber >> starving to death, but dead is dead.
WordPress is like democracy: The worst form of blogging software, except for all the others.
#blogging #wordpress #democracy #churchill
And the highlight of my year will be a #bucketlist trip to see #polarbears in the wild (I’m big on seeing landmarks / natural wonders / wildlife before climate change & mankind drive them to extinction) in #churchill #manitoba #canada this fall! Going with a #wildlife #photgraphy group. Anyone ever make that trip or have a fascination with polar bears? I have been talking about it all year to friends & family who are indifferent. 🙄 😂
#bucketlist #polarbears #churchill #manitoba #canada #wildlife #photgraphy
Today I learned… “Under Eton’s statute, the provost – who heads the board of governors known as the fellows – is appointed by the sovereign on the advice of the prime minister of the day. Files released by the National Archives show how successive prime ministers were required to consider the administration of the UK’s most exclusive private school.”
Think of that what you will.
#TariqAli on #racist #Churchill
( We love zayde Ali, but I disagree with the statues bit. #FuckChurchill #TAKEDOWNtheSTATUES !!!
Also, #HateSpeechIsNotFreeSpeech. If Goebbels, Hitler, FOX News, Knowles, and the anti-Tutsi propaganda in Rwanda, etc. were stopped in their tracks, it would have prevented a lot of problems!)
#tariqali #racist #churchill #PoliticsJoe #fuckchurchill #takedownthestatues #hatespeechisnotfreespeech
our photo of the day
#wwii #britain #France #churchill #putin
5.7.43 #olavipaavolainen toteaa maailmalla kyseltävän, koska #Churchill lunastaa kesäkuun lopun lupauksensa, jonka mukaan "jotakin erikoista on tapahtuva ennenkuin syksyn lehdet putoavat".
Ajatus on peräisin #WilhelmlI'n lupauksesta saksalaisille syksyllä 1914, mutta "nykyaika on ... armoton ... se painomusteen ja radionauhoitusten avulla ... tallettaa johtajien ja hallitsijoiden ajattelemattomimmatkin lupaukset...". #paavolaisenjatkosota
#paavolaisenjatkosota #wilhelmli #churchill #olavipaavolainen
If anyone out there is interested in traveling to Hudson Bay to see #PolarBears and other wonders this year, the Great Bear Foundation just had space open up on our October/November polar bear ecology field trip, and we have 2 openings on our August trip when you can also see baby belugas. Proceeds fund bear conservation.
More info at http://greatbear.org/field-courses/
#BabyBeluga #Arctic #HudsonBay #PolarBear #Beluga #Churchill
#polarbears #babybeluga #arctic #hudsonbay #polarbear #beluga #churchill
..volstrekt #idiote #statement dat de dochters van #SigridKaag haar in #nederlands zouden moeten toespreken in de uitzending van #CollegeTour morgen in hun #bezorgheid over hun moeder. 😡
#Fans van #nederland zijn #hufters geworden, die alleen willen #rellen en anderen #bedreigen, met welk wapen dan ook.
De historische zin van #churchill ('we will defend our Island'), krijgt voor mij een nieuwe betekenis als ik over #nl lees. Hij vocht een 'Just War'.
In #nl ....(3)
#nl #churchill #bedreigen #rellen #hufters #nederland #fans #bezorgheid #CollegeTour #nederlands #SigridKaag #Statement #idiote
Keek naar een film over #churchill vanavond met zijn beroemde speech op 4 juni 1940 : 'We shall defend our Island'.
#Supertramp herdacht dit met hun lied 'Fool's Overture' (live in Paris in1979).
'History recalls how great the fall can be''
While everybody's sleeping, the boats put out to sea'.
'Called the man a fool, striped him of his pride
Everyone was laughing up until the day he died'.
#supertramp #churchill #PrettiggestoordNL