I rarely, if ever write books and articles in the order they appear on the page. I might tackle a chapter in the middle before I go to the end and loop back to the start.
That means that especially tricky or especially detailed chapters can end up being written later. However, now that I want to approach more agents and agents ask for the first three chapters, I have to tackle two tricky chapters, one for each of the books I'm writing. I'd appreciate prayer as I tackle a chapter on Is multilingual church Biblical? and one on what theologians have said about church interpreting.
#multilingualChurch #ChurchInterpreting #theology #AmWriting
#amwriting #theology #churchinterpreting #multilingualchurch
The book chapter I'm working on today is called "They'll all learn English anyway." It's part of my book on multilingual church. I'll be engaging with that response and asking what it says about our love for people and whether it has Biblical backing.
#fedichurch #amwriting #churchinterpreting
It is really exciting to see this episode of The Church Interpreting Podcast released. Have you ever wondered what it's like to be someone else's voice? This episode is for you.
#fedichurch #podcasts #churchinterpreting #1nt
Really rewarding to see thar, despite being down for big chunks of this month, churchinterpreting.com has had 22 visitors this month.
My immediate plans are to get my guide to AI for multilingual churches on there and to get some exercises for interpreters and more help for researchers up.
I'd love to publish articles from anyone with experience in #multilingualChurch, especially in displaying content in more than one language at once.
#churchinterpreting #church #fedichurch #multilingualchurch
One of the misconceptions I'm trying to rid myself of is that #ChurchInterpreting and #multilingualChurch are primarily about Sunday services and about preaching. They are really about theology, discipleship and ministry. They should be as common, if not more so, in pastoral counselling, home visits and prayer meetings as they are on Sundays.
#multilingualchurch #churchinterpreting
It is really exciting to announce the latest episode of The Church Interpreting Podcast: https://open.spotify.com/episode/7zijGqdkmf4fbT7tg5ku8U
This time Lauryn gets theological about the Tower of Babel, I chat about the importance of church attitudes to interpreting and language, we have an interview with a regular interpreting listener and end with a quick tip on making interpreting helpfully visible.
#fedichurch #theolodon #ChurchInterpreting #missions #church #MultiethnicChurch
#multiethnicchurch #church #missions #churchinterpreting #theolodon #fedichurch
3 ways churches can become multilingual, with their price tags and payoffs: https://www.integritylanguages.co.uk/2023/01/24/three-ways-your-church-can-become-multilingual/
#MultiethnicChurch #ChurchInterpreting #MulticulturalChurch #InterculturalChurch #fedichurch #church #missions
#missions #church #fedichurch #interculturalchurch #multiculturalchurch #churchinterpreting #multiethnicchurch
Recently, I had an article published in The Linguist on remote #ChurchInterpreting. Feel free to take a look.
#r1nt #1nt #fedichurch #churchinterpreting
The Church interpreting podcast is on Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-church-interpreting-podcast/id1657859531
#podcasts #churchinterpreting #1nt
I am incredibly chuffed to tell you about the November (yes, I know) episode of The Church Interpreting Podcast, which just released.
If you are already into #churchinterpreting, my co-host, Lauryn has a special segment on why you need to receive from God while you are #interpreting
If you lead a #MultiethnicChurch or #MulticulturalChurch or #MiltulingualChurch, we have the lowdown on the different ways you can deliver interpreting and which might be best for you.
We also have a funny #1nt anecdote, some advice on dealing with discouragement and a quick tip on feedback, all in under 21 minutes.
Please do boost and/or reply with tag for someone who might be interested.
The episode is right here!
#1nt #miltulingualchurch #multiculturalchurch #multiethnicchurch #interpreting #churchinterpreting
Reposting with @interpreters tagged for extra exposure:
Wednesday 14 December, 3pm GMT: ITI Interpreters' Development Network webinar on Church Interpreting (moderated by yours truly) - open to all
I am super excited to have managed to update https://churchinterpreting.com/ with three new articles, including one in Spanish and one touching on #MentalHealth in #ChurchInterpreting. Please take a look and go share. All the new articles are in the For Interpreters section.
#multilingualchurch #multiculturalchurch #church #churchinterpreting #mentalhealth
One of the often misunderstood issues around #ChurchInterpreting is that it reflects and then changes the #theology of the churches who use it.
The choice to offer interpreting in the first place is a theological one. No church accidentally offers it. Someone, somewhere has to metaphorically hit the "Go" button. That involves having the ability and the will to offer it and openness as to where it might lead.
Then there are various issues around how it's offered. Since I'm probably going to publish a call here for people to fill in a survey soon, I'm not going to go into all the details but suffice to say that the available evidence tells us that expectations of interpreters strongly correlate with how the church views interpreting.
Lastly, pastors like Mario Wahnschaffe remind us that a church can't offer interpreting and expect to keep its existing theology intact. Interpreting, and intercultural ministry generally, makes people face points where their theologies are more cultural than Biblical. Negotiating those points is not simple but it is a Biblical practice.
#ecclesiology #preaching #church #theology #churchinterpreting
I recently did a thread on #multilingualChurch and someone asked why that exists. Here's a kind of answer.
A recent book chapter by John Cheong and Rochelle Scheuermann says that sermons get interpreted when a preacher visits from another country, due to missions work or when there is a high concentration of refugees. But that's not even half of it.
The #ChurchInterpreting research literature shows churches having interpreting:
- to show unity between different groups,
- as a response to being in a multilingual city (not just due to refugees),
- as part of a process of creating a new #church identity,
- as part of a vision to reach new groups of people,
- and to help people who have moved countries for any reason feel at home and learn the local language.
There are more ideas found in the latest episode of The Church Interpreting Podcast. https://open.spotify.com/show/08OUQMvXtLzeDTtJRiazT3
Church interpreting happens for lots of different reasons and knowing why it happening is the first stage in getting it right.
#church #churchinterpreting #multilingualchurch
While I was out for a run and some shopping, I filmed this YouTube short on how to make #churchinterpreting much easier. https://youtube.com/shorts/X7cj-GOZ7hM?feature=share
It works across all forms of #1nt too!
@Munross @douggay I'm kind of in that area as an interpreter and researcher on multilingual church. #theology #church #churchinterpreting
#churchinterpreting #church #theology