@CaptainCanuck What does the hashtag #ChurchOfCarymatology mean? Searching online yielded zero results.
Totally normal behaviour of someone to post graphic footage of a snake eating a rat and saying it is Justin Trudeau with Drowning Pool's Bodies as the soundtrack in the background
#CarymaNgo #NaziAdjacent #ChurchofCarymatology #FashWatch #NoPlatformFor #Racists #FashwatchCanada #NickSmithFash #ChrisSkyFash #AntiVaxxer
#carymango #naziadjacent #churchofcarymatology #fashwatch #noplatformfor #racists #fashwatchcanada #nicksmithfash #chrisskyfash #antivaxxer #AlertaAlertaAntifascista
His most recent claim to fame as an appearance at Chris Sky's mayoral campaign event telling off Caryma and Lee multiple times, and even went so far as to say they were banned. That was only moments before
#CarymaNgo 's provided a free plug for Diagolon merchandise.
#CarymaNgo #NaziAdjacent #ChurchofCarymatology #FashWatch #NoPlatformFor #Racists #FashwatchCanada #NickSmithFash #ChrisSkyFash #AntiVaxxer
#carymango #naziadjacent #churchofcarymatology #fashwatch #noplatformfor #racists #fashwatchcanada #nicksmithfash #chrisskyfash #antivaxxer #AlertaAlertaAntifascista
If the name doesn't ring a bell, you may recognize him from some of his greatest exploits such as:
Forcing his through police to stand on a step at Queen's Park or,
Trying to force his way into the Eaton Centre and swiping a keycard from security or,
Being sworn in as a "cop"
#CarymaNgo #NaziAdjacent #ChurchofCarymatology #FashWatch #NoPlatformFor #Racists #FashwatchCanada #NickSmithFash #ChrisSkyFash #AntiVaxxer
#carymango #naziadjacent #churchofcarymatology #fashwatch #noplatformfor #racists #fashwatchcanada #nicksmithfash #chrisskyfash #antivaxxer #AlertaAlertaAntifascista
Totally normal behaviour of someone to post graphic footage of a snake eating a rat and saying it is Justin Trudeau with Drowning Pool's Bodies as the soundtrack in the background
#CarymaNgo #NaziAdjacent #ChurchofCarymatology #FashWatch #NoPlatformFor #Racists #FashwatchCanada #NickSmithFash #ChrisSkyFash #AntiVaxxer
#carymango #naziadjacent #churchofcarymatology #fashwatch #noplatformfor #racists #fashwatchcanada #nicksmithfash #chrisskyfash #antivaxxer #AlertaAlertaAntifascista
His most recent claim to fame as an appearance at Chris Sky's mayoral campaign event telling off Caryma and Lee multiple times, and even went so far as to say they were banned. That was only moments before
#CarymaNgo 's provided a free plug for Diagolon merchandise.
#CarymaNgo #NaziAdjacent #ChurchofCarymatology #FashWatch #NoPlatformFor #Racists #FashwatchCanada #NickSmithFash #ChrisSkyFash #AntiVaxxer
#chrisskyfash #antivaxxer #AlertaAlertaAntifascista #carymango #naziadjacent #churchofcarymatology #fashwatch #noplatformfor #racists #fashwatchcanada #nicksmithfash