Today is Laetare Sunday, or Refreshment Sunday, where we traditionally relax our Lenten fast for the day. It's also Mothering Sunday.
#ChurchOfIreland #LaetareSunday #RefreshmentSunday #MotheringSunday #Lent #ChurchCalendar
#churchofireland #LaetareSunday #refreshmentsunday #motheringsunday #Lent #churchcalendar
So I finally finished work on “Commanded by an angel from heaven,” an essay considering the difference between doctrine and practice as discussed by #JonathanSwift in his sermons, with a detour into #EivindBerggrav because, well, why not if one can? It should be appearing later this year or early next. I think there is a lot we still need to understand about practice in the C18 #ChurchofIreland quite apart from doctrine.
#JonathanSwift #eivindberggrav #churchofireland
#introduction Hello. I am moving from one of the big instances. Currently, I am working on a biography of Nancy Sharp, a C20 English painter, but I am generally still most active writing about #JonathanSwift (one recent talk and an essay forthcoming) and the #ChurchofIreland (not always related to Swift). I also write on occasion about #EssexCricket or #CountyCricket in general. Probably not doing any more translation, but spending more time reading in Norwegian just for the fun of it.
#introduction #JonathanSwift #churchofireland #essexcricket #countycricket
#Irland #Dublin #Weihnachten hinter Gittern: #Transfeindlich|er Lehrer wird von Rechten bejubelt. protestantische #WilsonHospitalSchool #ChurchofIreland #LGBTQIA!5903180/
#Irland #dublin #weihnachten #transfeindlich #wilsonhospitalschool #churchofireland #lgbtqia
Back in the States to the news that "Commanded by an angel from heaven," an essay of mine about #JonathanSwift, the #ChurchofIreland, and practice versus doctrine will be appearing sometime soon-ish in a #UniversityofDelawarePress publication and that "A cricketing alphabetiary," which is just about what it sounds, but with a focus on #EssexCricket, is forthcoming in the small magazine #CountyCricketMatters [], which is most definitely worth subscribing to, by the way.
#jonathanswift #churchofireland #universityofdelawarepress #essexcricket #countycricketmatters