Our first song in collaboration with Church of Subgenius
... and the first time we have an art project on the federated net and mastodon network.
The perfect lyrics were written by Rev. Onan Canobite, SubGenius. @onan We are very proud to be in such illustrious company.
This is our first try to see if this can become a song and I think it can!
#churchofsubgenius #dobbstown #JRBobDobbs
#jrbobdobbs #dobbstown #churchofsubgenius
Our first song in collaboration with Church of Subgenius
... and the first time we have an art project on the federated net and mastodon network.
The perfect lyrics were written by Rev. Onan Canobite, SubGenius. We are very proud to be in such illustrious company.
This is our first try to see if this can become a song and I think it can!
#churchofsubgenius #dobbstown #JRBobDobbs
#jrbobdobbs #dobbstown #churchofsubgenius
@deividband yeah the #ChurchOfSubGenius recently canonized #JohnMastodon
#churchofsubgenius #johnmastodon