Coming to a community near you: The School of Satan #SlipperySlope #ChurchStateSeparation #ChristianPriviledge
#slipperyslope #churchstateseparation #christianpriviledge
One Nation, All Beliefs: Take The Pledge To Defend #ChurchStateSeparation And #ReligiousFreedom
#churchstateseparation #religiousfreedom
#MatildaGage Fought For #ChurchStateSeparation In The 19th Century. Her Struggle Lives On Today.
#matildagage #churchstateseparation
"The #familyresearchcouncil a staunch opponent of #AbortionRights and #LGBTQrights, joins a growing list of activist groups seeking #ChurchStatus, which allows #organizations to shield themselves from #financial scrutiny."
🎵 nothing matters anymore... 🥳
😒 🤬 goddammit! 🤬
#FRC #ChurchStateSeparation #HateGroup
#RightWing #ThinkTank Family Research Council Is Now a Church in Eyes of the #IRS
#iamdb #irs #thinktank #rightwing #hategroup #churchstateseparation #frc #financial #organizations #churchstatus #lgbtqrights #AbortionRights #familyresearchcouncil
AU’s annual contest encourages students to reflect on why #religiousfreedom and #churchstateseparation are important to them and their communities—and what they can do to ensure #religious #freedom is a shield that protects the #rights of everyone to practice #religion according to their own beliefs, or not practice at all, as long as they don’t harm others.
#religiousfreedom #churchstateseparation #religious #freedom #rights #religion
This is concerning. - #ChurchStateSeparation #SecularConstitution #SecularGovernment #ReligiousPrivilege
#religiousprivilege #seculargovernment #secularconstitution #churchstateseparation
On the other hand when Roman troops massacred thousands of men, women and children in Thessalonica under the either express or tactic approval of Theodosius, Ambrose threatened to excommunicate the emperor unless he publicly repented. #churchhistory #church #ChurchStateSeparation
#churchhistory #church #churchstateseparation
Paganism was alive and well in Ambrose’s time. It was the emperor Theodosius I in 381 who under the urging of Ambrose issued a comprehensive law that prohibited the performance of any type of pagan sacrifice or worship. #churchhistory #church #ChurchStateSeparation
#churchhistory #church #churchstateseparation
HOWEVER. My pet peeve is when people want to blame everything about state Christianity on Constantine. Constantine did not make Christianity the state religion. He just stopped persecuting them and gave them jobs. #churchhistory #church #ChurchStateSeparation
#churchhistory #church #churchstateseparation
When northern Italy was invaded and large numbers of people taken hostage by the Goths, Ambrose sold all his estates to ransom the captives. “It’s far better to save souls,” he told his clergy, “than to save treasures. #history #churchhistory #church #ChurchStateSeparation
#history #churchhistory #church #churchstateseparation
Ambrose, Bishop of Milan, died 397
Lots of good things to say about him. He was an advocate for the poor and for generosity. #history #churchhistory #church #ChurchStateSeparation
#history #churchhistory #church #churchstateseparation