#ChuyGarcia | 13 Questions with #ChicagoMayoralCandidates - Invidious
#chuygarcia #chicagomayoralcandidates
Once again #FranSpielman relies on the political analysis of the skeezy Victor Reyes, a #ChuyGarcia advisor. #ChiMayor23
#franspielman #chuygarcia #chimayor23
Notable #ChiMayor23 campaign contribution:
In his $6,000 contribution to #ChuyGarcia, Leonardo Lopez of Los Angeles listed his occupation as dishwasher.
He's almost certainly this nightclub impresario: https://labusinessjournal.com/finance/businessman-helps-neighborhood-development/
Here's how #NeilSteinberg of the #ChicagoSunTimes described the mayoral field in 2015, including a racist swipe at #ChuyGarcia: https://www.beachwoodreporter.com/top/the_tuesday_papers_450/
#neilsteinberg #chicagosuntimes #chuygarcia #Journalism #chimayor23
I've been meaning to post this for awhile - since December?! I thought it was odd to get a letter from #ChuyGarcia stating that starting in January I would be represented by a different congressperson due to redistricting. By this time Chuy had announced for #ChiMayor23. He never mentions that, but reminds me as a former constituent of all the purported good he did in Congress. By my reading, it was a campaign mailer in disguise, paid for by taxpayers.
When #ChuyGarcia says this, I'd like to know just when the thought the Chicago Police Department was "on track."
“It shouldn’t have taken four years to get that done,” he said in an interview. He wants officers “to get out of their cars and knock on doors and rebuild trust. Trust is critical to getting the department back on track.”
Progressive doyenne Bettylu Saltzman has donated $1,000 to mayoral challenger (and possibly the frontrunner) #ChuyGarcia.