Erick the Stoic · @ericklind
7 followers · 49 posts · Server

Good decisions come from wisdom.
Wisdom comes from experience.
Experience comes from making bad decisions.

Read more 👉

#fear #cicero #choices #marcusaurelius

Last updated 1 year ago

Philippe Verlinden · @Philippe
505 followers · 712 posts · Server

De rush van Cicero naar het consulaat door de ogen zijn secretaris. Je wordt meegenomen naar het Rome ten tijde van Cicero, Caesar, Pompeius, Crassus en Catalina in een verhaal vol politieke intriges. 5⭐️

#boekentoot #cicero #robertharris #imperium #historischefictie

Last updated 1 year ago

Lucomo · @Lucomo
180 followers · 3553 posts · Server

"In einem Gastbeitrag im Politmagazin Cicero behauptet der ehemalige Chefvolkswirt der Deutschen Bank Thomas Mayer, dass ungebremster Temperaturanstieg der Weltwirtschaft kaum schade. Das ist reine Wissenschaftsleugnung."

#klimakrise #klimaleugner #cicero

Last updated 1 year ago

World History Encyclopedia · @whencyclopedia
1182 followers · 2204 posts · Server

Without the valuable contributions of historians, later generations would have little knowledge of the past - the good as well as the bad.

#cicero #cassiusdio #History

Last updated 1 year ago

Gregory B Sadler · @GregSadler
653 followers · 1136 posts · Server

Here's the next Sadler's Honest Book Reviews, this one on How To Tell A Joke: An Ancient Guide To The Art of Humor!

#philosophy #rhetoric #jokes #humor #comedy #cicero #review #books #video

Last updated 1 year ago

Eric Gril · @ericgril
41 followers · 864 posts · Server
Wisdom in Space · @wisdom
15 followers · 626 posts · Server

To be wronged is nothing unless you continue to remember it.
-- Cicero

#quotes #cicero #insults #photography #panorama #panopainting #flowers #junkyard #minnesota

Last updated 1 year ago

Klaus Stein · @Lapizistik
454 followers · 3846 posts · Server

und , die mir im erzählen das mit der Umstellung beim Heizen etc. „ginge für die Menschen zu schnell“,¹ werden sich aber wundern, wie viel schneller so eine Flutwelle ganze Dörfer wegreißt.

Auch Ernteausfälle und Wassermangel werden sich nicht einfach um 10 Jahre verschieben lassen, damit sich die Menschen schön langsam dran „gewöhnen“ können.

¹wo waren die Artikel, die vor 30 Jahren gefordert haben, das mit der Umstellung _jetzt_ langsam zu beginnen?

#presseclub #cicero #focus

Last updated 1 year ago

Erick the Stoic · @ericklind
4 followers · 24 posts · Server

The more choices we are willing to make, the better we get at making them.

Read the full article: 247 – There Are No Problems, Only Choices

#fear #cicero #choices #marcusaurelius

Last updated 1 year ago

Anita North · @North
104 followers · 83 posts · Server

If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need. - Marcus Tullius Cicero

#gardenphotography #garden #flowers #ants #nature #naturephotography #cicero #yeg #edmonton #StAlbert

Last updated 1 year ago


Das wäre es jetzt.
Möchte jemand mitmachen? Hinter dem Regal ist noch ein Beet frei.

#cartoon #mastoart #bibliothek #buch #lesen #garten #ruhe #zitat #cicero

Last updated 1 year ago

NomNomdeGuerre · @Aporkalypse666
99 followers · 1092 posts · Server

pulled a in his commencement address at

#harvard #cicero #tomhanks

Last updated 1 year ago

World History Encyclopedia · @whencyclopedia
906 followers · 1517 posts · Server
Wisdom in Space · @wisdom
6 followers · 304 posts · Server

Popular theology ... is a massive inconsistency derived from ignorance.... The gods exist because nature herself has imprinted a conception of them on the minds of men.
-- Cicero

#quotes #cicero #god #religion #photography #panorama #panopainting #flowers #junkyard #minnesota

Last updated 2 years ago

Daily Stoic 🗿 · @stoic
65 followers · 101 posts · Server

That last day does not bring extinction to us, but change of place.

— Cicero

#stoic #stoicism #cicero

Last updated 2 years ago

Jo Broom · @jojobroom
59 followers · 208 posts · Server

Today's random choice Cicero and Heaven Must Have Sent You Vack To Me 12" 1991. Sounds suspiciously like the Pet Shop Boys. Investigates.... its on their record label. Spaghetti Recordings. This explains everything.

#cicero #music #nowplaying #discogs

Last updated 2 years ago

Imdat Celeste :v_nb: :v_tg: · @imdat
621 followers · 3275 posts · Server

Wow! After a really tough week work-wise, what a great day to start the weekend.

Finished a major milestone on / . Only two big work-packages left, all the others are minor topics. And this milestone was really huge with so many great enhancements.

But more importantly, after finishing work, I went to my - again.

But this time I was joined by two wonderful 15-year olds. One of them ("J") is a child of a very good friend of us and the other one ("F") is their closest friend.

I know "J" since their 2nd birthday so we know and like each other a lot. I had never met "F" before thus that was a bit of a question-mark.

Today was their last day at our place in Munich. Tomorrow morning they are both traveling back. In the meantime, I got to know "F" better and we realized we did like each other. She also isn't as shy as on the first day with us anymore.

Assuming they had a great time here and hoping to top it off with a nice dinner I invited them to my Happy Place for dinner (unfortunately, was/is still a bit sick, so she could not join us).

What a wonderful evening we three had: at one point at Pera "F" and "J' start laughing out loud. So, I asked what's up...
F: "I think the girl working here is really beautiful! But 'J' says I can't say someone is beautiful when they are a girl."
Me: "Why, J?"
J: "I didn't say that. Of course you can say they are beautiful, regardless of whether they are a girl or a boy!"
Me: "???"
F: "Well, I think - umm, - you know, I am bi, so that's maybe why J says so."
Me: "???"
F: "Oh, I am bi, you know, imdat, LGBTQ...?"
Me: "..."
F: (a bit hesitant now)"Well, you know, LGBTQ-parade? Yeah, I am, 'B'..."
Me: "You DO know WHAT I am, right? J? Didn't your Mom tell you?"
J: "What?"
(me takes out iphone, searches for definition of non-binary, shows them)
J: "Oh, yeah. Mom told me, yes. No problem, no worries..." (turns to F): "Yeah, imdat is non-binary" (hands over my phone to F; F starts reading, eyes get bigger and bigger - 😳😳😳)
F: "..."
... 😂😂😂 ...
Then the evening turned to an amazing, wonderful, gorgeous, awesome dinner + walk at the + sit at the Isar + dance to some music at the Isar + talk about difference between bi- and pansexuality especially wrt to cis and trans, about trixic, enbian, ...

"F" was so amazed to meet an "older trans non-binary", they completely opened up - to me and to "J" - and we three became probably friends forever: two 15-year old cis + 54-year old trans non-binary person (in case of "J", nobody really knows whether *they* are cis, trans, cis-bi, cis-pan, cis-...; I think not even they themselves know that yet, but atm, they seem to insist on being cis-het, though all the signs show otherwise...)

You probably guessed it: both are, according to them, cis female...

I don't think this was the last time they came to Munich😍

Oh, not to forget: I was then farewelled by one of my beloved friends (I call them friend now because we exchanged enough history to call each other friend) working at Pera with the words: "Come here you spirit of my soul" and a huge, huge hug...🥹

#cicero #ginlo_ii #happyplace #perameze #loveofmylife #isar #trans #beauty #lgbtqia #lgbt #lgbtqi

Last updated 2 years ago

Imdat Celeste :v_nb: :v_tg: · @imdat
618 followers · 3256 posts · Server

In / we all messages are E2E-encrypted. For historical reasons we still use AES256 CBC. So, messages are always encrypted using CBC.

But when I receive the messages, I decrypt and re-encrypt them with a local Account-key. So, each device on which you receive the message has its own AES256 account key with which local data (database as well as attachment content) is encrypted.

This way, we can protect your communication in-transit as well as at-rest/

So far, so good. For local storage we also used to use AES256 CBC with its own IV.

Today, I decided to switch to AES256 GCM with IV and AAD. This has a few benefits:
- HW-supported encryption / decryption on iOS, Android, macOS
- Parallel encryption/decryption: multi-threaded in native code or `compute` in pure dart
- Built-in Verification using Mac/authTag
- And also slightly safer than CBC wrt certain attack vectors

The beauty? Each encrypted data has its own authTag stored separately so that we can also verify integrity of each data item.

While switching to AES-GCM, I also added streamed encryption/decryption for files. This way I can encrypt/decrypt directly from a file into another file without much memory use. This way, we can now (technically) support attachments as big as approximately <Free space on local disk>/2.2.

And yes, it is absolutely super-fast. On iOS/Android/macOS, we achieve about 120MB/s with CBC but 1-1.5GB/s with GCM, including Mac-validation.

On Windows, we "only" achieve about 100-500MB/s (depending on CPU), because there is no native GCM-chip-supported library there.

All in all, it was a difficult week because I had to first introduce "device coupling" (adding device to your account) BEFORE switching encryption method.

Now you can install the new client on a second device, add it to your "old" client, transfer the account to new device, delete on old device, and then transfer back to old device. This way, you easily switch from old, CBC-encryption to new, safer and faster GCM-encryption.




#cicero #ginlo #flutter #dartlang #ios #android #macos #windows #linux #worktopics

Last updated 2 years ago

John Carmichael · @nhcarmichael
23 followers · 128 posts · Server

Mining for Gold
"If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need” — Cicero

My attention comes back to the garden this time of year. It's too soon for annuals, too early for most perennials, and my sinuses are reminding me that the cool air is filling up with pollen. We celebrate the great awak

#seasons #gardenandhome #learning #personalgrowth #productivity #Reading #writing #april #cicero #daffodils #newhampshire

Last updated 2 years ago

Philipp Suessmann · @philsuessmann
143 followers · 1229 posts · Server

War eigentlich immer so lost oder kam die Abbiege ins rechtslibertäre Schwurbellager erst in den letzten Jahren?


Last updated 2 years ago