This morning I filled my press to the brim and got ~12 pints of juice. Which is awkwardly split between two part filled demijohns. Getting a better "splodging" technique now. The key is to do small batches.
#homebrewing #cidermaking #cider
Another pressing this morning yielded just under a gallon of juice. And last week's two are fermenting well.
#homebrewing #cidermaking #cider
Cider making has started two weeks early this year. I've just pressed 10% short of two gallons of juice at 1.044 o.g. Might crack open a bottle of the 2015 vintage later on to reward my hard work.
#homebrewing #cidermaking #cider
My friend's cider apple trial orchard is located on marginal land on a local farm with an incredible view of the Beaufort range and a company of loud sheep in the fenced area nearby. We went to test out some new scythe blades and snaths he just received. #gardening #cidermaking
Red currant wine, cider with cherries, pure cider.
All spontaneous ferments, nothing added (except water and sugar in the wine, which is necessary).
#cidermaking #winemaking #beersofmastodon #ølheimen #allheimen #norsktut
#cidermaking #winemaking #beersofmastodon #olheimen #allheimen #Norsktut
Det må være lov å si, Egil, at denne spontanfermenteringa har gått over enhver forventning!
Ripsvin til venstre, sider med kirsebær til høyre. Vinen er søt, med en litt syrlig avslutning. Smaker omtrent som saft, og går ned farlig fort.. Sideren er knusktørr og syrlig, men har også massevis av kirsebærsmak.
Gleder meg som en unge til disse har fått litt kullsyre og roet seg ned på flaske en måned eller to 😍
#allheimen #ølheimen #beersofmastodon #cidermaking #winemaking
#allheimen #olheimen #beersofmastodon #cidermaking #winemaking
Ikke rart man blir fysen på å lage mer sider når fjorårets forsøk ser ut og smaker som dette. Knusktørr og syrlig, med smaken av norske hageepler.
#cidermaking #olheimen #allheimen #Norsktut
That's another nearly 14 litres of cider bottled. Time to rack the next 25 litres, final 24 litres can wait.
Sooooo many apples last year. Very few bottles left, better start drinking the first batch! Hopefully along the way I will learn to actually like cider...
These are some of the various apples and pears I've collected from around here for #cidermaking. Will show seeds from these and guerilla plant in parks and tucked away spots so old me and others can have more cider fruit.
Finally had time today to tackle some stalled projects in the garden. Here is the potting soil from the tomatoes, tomatillos and peppers being repurposed for stratifying malus fusca seeds, which is our native crabapple on the west coast. It is supposed to be good rootstock that is drought and standing water tolerant. Next few years I will graft some interesting local wild trees I want to preserve onto these. #gardening #cidermaking #fruittrees
#gardening #cidermaking #fruittrees