Proud to announce our new paper, "Relevant Entity Selection: Knowledge Graph Bootstrapping via Zero-Shot Analogical Pruning" with Lucas Jarnac and Miguel Couceiro, accepted in #cikm2023
#knowledgeGraph #machineLearning #graphEmbedding #transferLearning #zeroShot #openScience
#cikm2023 #knowledgegraph #machinelearning #graphembedding #transferlearning #zeroshot #OpenScience
We started sending notifications. Some tracks are doing some final checks but authors should receive their decision soon.
As in previous years, there will also be an AnalytiCup at #CIKM2023. We are calling for proposals at
If you want to support #CIKM2023 in Birmingham, UK and become a sponsor, please speak to us and have a look at
#CIKM2023 offers several paper tracks - long papers, short papers, applied research, demos & resource papers. We are also calling for tutorials and workshops. Have a look at our calls for papers at
Hello World! 🙂
We are delighted to host CIKM 2023 in Birmingham, UK, October 21-25. We are currently working hard on a new version of our Website and are doing final edits on the calls. More hopefully very soon!