The pirates of the ancient Mediterranean were not, for the most part, the outsiders who knew no country's allegiance and were the enemies of civilization as they are frequently depicted in novels and other media. #History #Cilicia #Mediterranean #Piracy
#piracy #mediterranean #cilicia #History
Antiochia ad Cragum (“Antioch on the Cliffs” or “Antioch at Cragus”) was a Hellenistic Roman city located in Cilicia Trachea (“Rough Cilicia”, also known as Cilicia Aspera and Cilicia Secunda) on the southern coast of modern-day Turkey (in the Gazipasa district of the Antalya province). #History #AntiochiaadCragum #Aytap #Cilicia
#cilicia #aytap #antiochiaadcragum #History
Hamaxia (now known as Sinek Kalesi or Sinekkalesi, near the modern Alanya) was a city in western Cilicia in southern Turkey known for its lush landscape, cedar forests, and thriving timber export business. #History #Aytap #Cilicia #Hamaxia
#hamaxia #cilicia #aytap #History
Side (pronounced see-day) was a city on the southern coast of Cilicia (modern-day Turkey) first settled in the 7th century BCE by immigrants from Cyme, an Aeolian municipality to the north near the kingdom of Lydia. #History #Cilicia #Piracy #Side
#side #piracy #cilicia #History
Cilicia Campestris was one of the six districts of the Roman province of Cilicia organized by Pompey the Great (l. #History #Cilicia #CiliciaCampestris #RomanEmpire
#romanempire #ciliciacampestris #cilicia #History
Paul was a follower of Jesus Christ who famously converted to Christianity on the road to Damascus after persecuting the very followers of the community that he joined. #History #Christianity #Cilicia #Galatia
#galatia #cilicia #christianity #History
The pirates of the ancient Mediterranean were not, for the most part, the outsiders who knew no country's allegiance and were the enemies of civilization as they are frequently depicted in novels and other media. #History #Cilicia #Mediterranean #Piracy
#piracy #mediterranean #cilicia #History
Antiochia ad Cragum (“Antioch on the Cliffs” or “Antioch at Cragus”) was a Hellenistic Roman city located in Cilicia Trachea (“Rough Cilicia”, also known as Cilicia Aspera and Cilicia Secunda) on the southern coast of modern-day Turkey (in the Gazipasa district of the Antalya province). #History #AntiochiaadCragum #Aytap #Cilicia
#cilicia #aytap #antiochiaadcragum #History
The pirates of the ancient Mediterranean were not, for the most part, the outsiders who knew no country's allegiance and were the enemies of civilization as they are frequently depicted in novels and other media. #History #Cilicia #Mediterranean #Piracy
#piracy #mediterranean #cilicia #History
Piracy, defined as the act of attacking and robbing a ship or port by sea, had a long history in the ancient Mediterranean stretching from the time of the Egyptian pharaoh Akhenaten (r. #History #Cilicia #Piracy #Pompey
#pompey #piracy #cilicia #History
Alexandros I Balas was a Seleucid king from 152 BC to 145 BCE. #History #AlexandrosIBalas #Cappadocia #Cilicia
#cilicia #cappadocia #alexandrosibalas #History
The pirates of the ancient Mediterranean were not, for the most part, the outsiders who knew no country's allegiance and were the enemies of civilization as they are frequently depicted in novels and other media. #Cilicia #Mediterranean #Piracy #History
#History #piracy #mediterranean #cilicia
Hamaxia (now known as Sinek Kalesi or Sinekkalesi, near the modern Alanya) was a city in western Cilicia in southern Turkey known for its lush landscape, cedar forests, and thriving timber export business. It was located on a high hill near to the city of Coracesium (modern Alanya) and its port was Aunesis on the coast of the Mediterranean. When the city was founded, how it developed, and when ... #Aytap #Cilicia #Hamaxia