@zpneal @jennawneal Liguria overall is a big producer of white #wine. Defo recommended is #Vermentino, #Bianchetta or #Albarola (changes name according to area of production). For the reds #VermentinoNero and #Ciliegiolo. My favourite producer is #CantineLunae but I have heard good things of #CantineFederici. /2
#wine #vermentino #bianchetta #albarola #vermentinonero #ciliegiolo #cantinelunae #cantinefederici
@dlupham @AlexGBardsley I'm from east coast of #Liguria, on our side of the region you'll find #Vermentino #Albarola for the #whitewine and #Ciliegiolo or #VermentinoNero for #redwines. From west coast there's also #Pigato (w) and #Rossese (r). I particularly liked #CantineLunae from #Luni, their Vermentino w and r are fenomenal #wine #winelover #winegeek #winetasting #italianwine
#liguria #vermentino #albarola #whitewine #ciliegiolo #vermentinonero #redwines #pigato #rossese #cantinelunae #luni #wine #winelover #winegeek #winetasting #italianwine