Please welcome SCiLS, representing a large group of cilia-enthusiasts :applause:
Great to meet you at #Sciencemastodon and the #Ciliverse 🙂 :beamingFace:
#ScienceMastodon #ciliverse #Cilia #ciliopathies #raredisease #PhDstudent
Pleasantine, this would be great - but: the group was somehow generated automatically - I can't edit the intro 🙁
So we have to keep on mentioning @cilia and adding the hashtags in our "toots". :happy:
#cilia #biology #centriole #developmentalbiology #devbiol #ciliopathy #raredisease #ADPKD #BBS #PCD #flagella #cysts #kidney
#coolestorganelleontheplanet #Ciliverse
#Cilia #biology #Centriole #developmentalbiology #devbiol #ciliopathy #raredisease #adpkd #bbs #pcd #flagella #cysts #kidney #coolestorganelleontheplanet #ciliverse
Welcome to #ScienceMastodon and the #ciliverse 🙂🙂🙂
#ScienceMastodon #ciliverse #Cilia #metabolism #Neuroscience #Obesity #diabetes
Wonderful to see you here, Greg! A warm welcome to #ScienceMastodon and the expanding #ciliverse ! 🙂 🙂 🙂
#ScienceMastodon #ciliverse #Cilia #raredisease #cellbiology #newhere #ScienceFediverse
Welcome to #ScienceMastodon, Becky!
🙂👍🙂 The #Ciliverse is growing 😊
#ScienceMastodon #ciliverse #Cilia #ScienceFediverse #developmentalbiology #cellbiology