Tonight's #CinemadnessMovie is The Flesh Merchant, shot on video in Los Angeles in 1993.
Getting ready for another #CinemadnessMovie streaming on YouTube.
I'm still not sure what we've signed up for in going to the #CinematicVoid Seven Deadly Cins show tomorrow. That's partly because the movies won't be announced until they run, but also because I'm not sure how well I'm going to hold up through a 7-movie marathon.
I am hoping to seek out Twitter/Masto fans, so let me know if you're going too. #CinemadnessMovie
#CinematicVoid #cinemadnessmovie
Pat's Dogs! #cinemadnessmovie #CinematicVoid
#cinemadnessmovie #cinematicvoid
This one gets right down to business! #januarygiallo #cinemadnessmovie #CinematicVoid
#januarygiallo #cinemadnessmovie #cinematicvoid