#film #cinema #movies #moviemonday #moviestowatch #filmmaking #scifimovie #filmfestival #cinephelia #cineaste #independentmedia #indiefilm #independentfilm #indiefilmmaker #DIYfilmmaking #nashville #NashvilleTN #InfluencedBy #WilliamGibson #Neuromancer #PhilipKDick #PKD #AScannerDarkly #LaurenBeukes #Moxyland #RichardLinklater #Slacker #SpikeLee #ShesGottaHaveIt #DavidCronenberg #Videodrome #ShirleyClarke #TheConnection #MartinScorsese #MeanStreets #AlfonsoCuaron #ChildrenOfMen #YTuMamaTambien #Trainspotting #RepoMan #SexLiesAndVideotape #ChungkingExpress #Alphaville #JohnnyMnemonic #TetsuoTheIronMan #BladeRunner
#film #cinema #movies #moviemonday #moviestowatch #filmmaking #scifimovie #filmfestival #cinephelia #cineaste #independentmedia #indiefilm #independentfilm #indiefilmmaker #diyfilmmaking #nashville #nashvilletn #influencedby #williamgibson #neuromancer #philipkdick #pkd #ascannerdarkly #laurenbeukes #moxyland #richardlinklater #slacker #spikelee #shesgottahaveit #davidcronenberg #videodrome #shirleyclarke #theconnection #martinscorsese #meanstreets #alfonsocuaron #childrenofmen #ytumamatambien #trainspotting #repoman #sexliesandvideotape #ChungkingExpress #alphaville #johnnymnemonic #tetsuotheironman #bladerunner
I’m Josh (sorry)!
I’m a #writer and #filmmaker originally from Nashville, TN, now calling Los Angeles home. I was told in advance hashtags are important here, sorry in advance if that was wrong and it’s annoying here, too!
Fairly innocuous poster, I think? Most frequently reprised interests are:
(1) #movies #film #cinema #cinephelia #filmmaking #fiction #storytelling #genre — both as a lover of and maker of,
(2) #ProcessPorn — working through a creative line of thinking sort of out-loud and in the abstract, or digging into how a thing was made (#DIYfilmmaking #writing #producing etc.), and
(3) all-purpose, general, existential #shitposting and/or stream-of-conscious nonsense — anything that makes me laugh. This Intro will probably be the longest single post I do on here, I’ll save the big blogs for Tumblr.
I’m a #DIY #nobudget writer/director/etc., out of both necessity (poor as shit) and disposition (can’t stop, won’t stop). I formed video production collective #Giantkiller a number of years ago, and I try to make something/anything whenever I can scrape enough change together from my professional #videoediting gigs after rent and bills are paid. No trust-fund film-school kids round THESE dang parts, thank you VERY much.
My latest #shortfilm “Serious Matters in the Middle of the Night” is a #scifi #cyberpunk #crime #dramedy set in a near-future city in the American South. It screened at a number of #FilmFestivals in the U.S., Canada and U.K. from 2020-2021. Very proud of that!
You can find #SeriousMatters online alongside some of my other work on either alt-right-brainworm-engine YouTube or pretentious-wasteland Vimeo. Links in my About Me! I had a Giantkiller site, but can’t afford to keep it live right now lol so check out that Giantkiller Vimeo Page for anything I have worth watching.
My politics are left, left, left, left, #left. I don’t tend to post sky-is-falling polemics of my own these days, if only out of sheer exhaustion/burn-out after years of shouting into the void. Instead I mostly express my politics by signal-boosting smarter people than me. So you know what to expect on that front, views are #antifascist #antiracist #anticapitalist #antibigotry #BLM #AbolishThePolice #AbolishICE #LGBTQIA+Rights #TransRightsAreHumanRights #ACAB #NaziPunksFuckOff #EatTheRich and on, and on, etc. etc.
Ummmm what else what else what else fuck uuuhhhh ummmmmm
I mean that’s probably fine for now, right? The rest we can probably just figure out as we go. This is pretty long and I’m sick of myself now.
Ok ily ttyl byyyyyyyyyeeeeeeee
#introduction #writer #filmmaker #movies #film #cinema #cinephelia #filmmaking #fiction #storytelling #genre #processporn #diyfilmmaking #writing #producing #shitposting #diy #nobudget #giantkiller #videoediting #shortfilm #scifi #cyberpunk #crime #dramedy #filmfestivals #seriousmatters #left #antifascist #antiracist #anticapitalist #Antibigotry #blm #abolishthepolice #abolishice #lgbtqia #transrightsarehumanrights #ACAB #nazipunksfuckoff #eattherich