Merci. Très intéressant ce fil. Vu le fonctionnement de Mastodon (pas d'algo, affinité par instances), ca vaudrait peut être le coup de fonctionner par campagne de hashtag pour y faire "médiatiser" ces votes et voir s'il n'y a pas une #instance #cinephiles .
@mathieutuffreau @ktdbrgl @tbarnaud @FCROSNIER2 @fxthuaud @sanlaville11 @FOxyShelby
Brad Evans and Nick Ciarelli: Kings of Letterboxd #2023_04_13 #vulture #hershal_pandya #brad_evans #nick_ciarelli #letterboxd #comedy #film #sketch_comedy #cinephiles
#2023_04_13 #vulture #hershal_pandya #brad_evans #nick_ciarelli #letterboxd #comedy #film #sketch_comedy #cinephiles
Hello #cinephiles!
When one thinks of the quintessential Frenchman, one likely pictures Jean Gabin.
Available now: "Jean Gabin: The Actor Who Was France" biography by Joseph Harriss! With this enthralling work, film enthusiasts can gain an appreciation of France's quintessential movie star and his lasting impact on world cinema during its Golden Age. Find it now at kentuckypress.com and wherever books are sold!
#cinephiles #classicmovies #goldenage #francophile #bookstodon
“Cinema may be threatened by changing habits of consumption, underfunding for nonblockbuster fare, narrow aesthetic codes and limited exposure, but it continues — more than 100 years after the Lumière brothers pronounced the form’s imminent death — to thrum with life.”
#film #cinema #cinephiles #movies
“NinetyForChill: The #Podcast: BONUS: Ally & The Nightmare Before Christmas”. If “Rare Exports” and “Deadly Games” are too scary for the #holidays… http://russbstevens.podbean.com/e/bonus995/
Was I the only one who thought #HotTopic nearly ruined this flick for #cinephiles?
#cineplanet #cinéphile #cinephile #Moviestodon #MoviesAndBooze #MoviesICantSwitchOff @MovieClub95 @MovieNights @horroryear @attackofthefinalgirls @mattcampagna
#podcast #holidays #hottopic #cinephiles #cineplanet #cinephile #moviestodon #moviesandbooze #moviesicantswitchoff
Okay #Cinephiles and #Filmbros of the #Fediverse creating a group for cinephiles. Follow @cinephile to get posts and tag it in relevant posts to get your posts boosted.
#Cinemastodon #Filmastodon #Letterboxd #Movies #TVShows #FilmCritics
#cinephiles #filmbros #Fediverse #cinemastodon #filmastodon #Letterboxd #movies #tvshows #filmcritics
never thought I'd actively seek out film Bros, but #FilmBros and #Cinephiles, where art thou?
#Introduction hachyderm is my new living room. I brought: a dwarf #Dachshund, #Vegan boots from college (conversation piece), #Refused CDs, #ModularSynthesizer. #SecondHand #CinePhile #Feminist #FrenchPress #Sceptic huh that reads like a fun sentence #ProgJazz #Meshuggah #TheMightyBoosh #DylanMoran #FredArmisen #VanessaBayer #RickyGervais. I do #Photography gigs for a local #Theatre. Starting a mstdn instance for #CinePhiles on cinematheque.social w fediverse friends. Work stuff on profile. Hej!
#introduction #refused #modularsynthesizer #secondhand #cinephile #feminist #frenchpress #sceptic #progjazz #meshuggah #themightyboosh #dylanmoran #fredarmisen #vanessabayer #rickygervais #photography #cinephiles #dachshund #vegan #theatre
Trying to get re-assimilated again over here! If you're into horror, cult films, grindhouse movies, pop art or anything loosely associated with weird-ass cinema, give me a follow and I'll do the same!
#TwitterMigtation #HorrorFam #HorrorCommunity #MutantFam #MutantFamily #Horror #SciFi #HorrorArt #SciFiArt #Grindhouse #HorrorMovies #Movies #Cinephiles #TheInvasionOfTheBodySnatchers #ArtistsOnMastadon
#TwitterMigtation #HorrorFam #HorrorCommunity #MutantFam #mutantfamily #horror #scifi #horrorart #scifiart #grindhouse #horrormovies #movies #cinephiles #theinvasionofthebodysnatchers #artistsonmastadon
Sondage #cinéma pour les #cinephiles et les autres...
#cinema #cinemastodon #cinéphilie #noiretblanc
Regardez-vous des #films en noir et blanc ?
#cinema #cinephiles #cinemastodon #cinephilie #noiretblanc #films
Sondage #cinéma pour les #cinephiles et les autres...
#cinema #cinema #cinemastodon #cinéphilie #noiretblanc
Regardez-vous des #films en noir et blanc ?
#cinema #cinephiles #cinemastodon #cinephilie #noiretblanc #films
Godard about Robert Bresson.
#JeanLucGodard #godard #cinema #moviebuff #cinephiles
Des #cinephiles ici ? Je follow back si vous parlez #cinema (et pas trop politique) :D
anyway, i look forward to debating the relative merits of gremlins vs ghostbusters with my fellow #cinephiles