"There's no place to go!" Alfred Hitchcock's stark adaptation of Daphne du Maurier's eerie 1952 Cornish horror story "The Birds" turned 60 years old this week.
Check out Steven West's celebration of its many pleasures in this new article, now live on the site:
#AlfredHitchcock #Hitchcock #DaphneDuMaurier #TippiHedren #RodTaylor #JessicaTandy #SuzannePleshette #VeronicaCartwright #HorrorMovies #ClassicHorror #EcoHorror #Horror #CineRequeim #Cinemastodon
#alfredhitchcock #hitchcock #daphnedumaurier #tippihedren #rodtaylor #jessicatandy #suzannepleshette #veronicacartwright #horrormovies #classichorror #ecohorror #horror #cinerequeim #cinemastodon
"There's no place to go!" Alfred Hitchcock's stark adaptation of Daphne du Maurier's eerie 1952 Cornish horror story "The Birds" turned 60 years old this week.
Check out Steven West's celebration of its many pleasures in this new article, now live on the site:
#AlfredHitchcock #Hitchcock #DaphneDuMaurier #TippiHedren #RodTaylor #JessicaTandy #SuzannePleshette #VeronicaCartwright #HorrorMovies #ClassicHorror #EcoHorror #Horror #CineRequeim #Cinemastodon
#alfredhitchcock #hitchcock #daphnedumaurier #tippihedren #rodtaylor #jessicatandy #suzannepleshette #veronicacartwright #horrormovies #classichorror #ecohorror #horror #cinerequeim #cinemastodon
Remembering Karlheinz Bohm, a.k.a. #CarlBoehm (1928-2014), the Austrian-German film and stage actor, born in Darmstadt #OnThisDay. He worked for Disney, Fassbinder and George Pal but best remembered as Mark Lewis, the lonely, disturbed would-be filmmaker / murderer in #MichaelPowell's remarkable #PeepingTom (1960).
Check out our analysis of the film: https://www.cinerequiem.com/2022/02/take-me-to-your-cinema-outrage-humour.html
#BornOnThisDay #BOTD #OTD #HorrorMovies #BritishHorror #ProtoSlasher #Horror #1960sCinema #CineRequeim #CineMastodon
#carlboehm #OnThisDay #michaelpowell #peepingtom #bornonthisday #botd #otd #horrormovies #britishhorror #protoslasher #horror #1960scinema #cinerequeim #cinemastodon
Life magazine wrote "It's no place for a lady like Olivia" but its star, Miss De Havilland, considered it an important depiction "of the ruthless violence of our era". Now, 'Lady in a Cage' (1964) holds up as one of the great overlooked modern horror films.
Check out "Caged Heat: No Way to Treat a 'Lady'", our latest feature by Steven West.
#HorrorMovies #Horror #CrimeCinema #Cinema #Film #OliviaDeHavilland #Cinemastodon #CineRequeim
#horrormovies #horror #crimecinema #cinema #film #oliviadehavilland #cinemastodon #cinerequeim