(1/2) Educators gather for FinnishED workshop in Seattle by #UW #CIP #TIPteachers https://www.cip.uw.edu/2023/07/07/finland-education-workshop-uw-seattle/
#edtechSR #MediaLit #MediaLiteracy
This is a press release about a wonderful workshop. I attended in early June at the University of Washington, learning about the ways the finish government has integrated media literacy skills into their required curriculum at all levels. Lots of great links, and super resources here! Also, check out
#uw #cip #TipTeachers #edtechsr #medialit #medialiteracy
new post: Media Literacy Lessons from Finland
#MediaLit #CIP #MediaLiteracy #FinnishED #Finland #pedagogy #schoolreform #policy #politics #ConCW #SIFT
#medialit #cip #medialiteracy #finnished #finland #pedagogy #schoolreform #policy #politics #ConCW #sift
I thought of this media literacy slogan at our workshop today: “SIFT before you share!” (If you are not sure what SIFT means in the context of information and social media, Google “SIFT web literacy framework”)
#medialit #digiuri #ConCW #medialiteracy #cip
Here is a 6 minute video I created today of “Takeaways from the FinnishED Media Literacy Workshop:”
I’ll be writing a blog post soon with many more specific resources and ideas from this fantastic professional development experience!
#medialit #digiuri #ConCW #medialiteracy #cip #finland
DigComp 2.2: The Digital Competence Framework for Citizens
(I’m considering appropriating “The Digital Competence Framework for Citizens” on page 7 for my own media literacy course!
#medialit #digiuri #ConCW #medialiteracy #cip
Together.eu is a community of people who believe in democracy and who want to give it real meaning as the next European elections approach.
#medialit #digiuri #ConCW #medialiteracy #cip
Another resource for fact checking examples: Pointer Teen Fact-Checking Network
#medialit #digiuri #ConCW #medialiteracy #cip
Another great resource for fact checking examples (including ones that are less-political / less-controversial): The Snopes Archive
#medialit #digiuri #ConCW #medialiteracy #cip
#book2read: Fog of War: The Second World War and the Civil Rights Movement
#book2read #medialit #digiuri #ConCW #medialiteracy #cip
#book2read: White Flight: Atlanta and the Making of Modern Conservatism
#book2read #medialit #digiuri #ConCW #medialiteracy #cip
“Traversal Competencies” in Finland. “Knowledge - skills - values - attitudes - will.” A very integrated / multi-disciplinary approach. Holistic. Very integrated. Very refreshing.
#medialit #digiuri #ConCW #medialiteracy #cip
“Traversal Competencies” in Finland. “Knowledge - skills - values - attitudes - will.” A very integrated / multi-disciplinary approach. Holistic. Very integrated. Very refreshing.
#medialit #digiuri #ConCW #medialiteracy #cip
“You can’t fact check an opinion!” Basic exercises that help students / adults differentiate between fact vs. opinion statements can be helpful in developing media literacy.
via Kari Kivinen
#MediaLit #digiURI #ConCW #MediaLiteracy #CIP
#medialit #digiuri #ConCW #medialiteracy #cip
Creating an atmosphere of trust is essential for dialog about media literacy, social media use with kids, etc. It’s important to recognize the big gaps / differences which exist now between news sources for older & younger generations, & talk about this together.
via Kari Kivinen
#MediaLit #digiURI #ConCW #MediaLiteracy #CIP
#medialit #digiuri #ConCW #medialiteracy #cip
Creating an atmosphere of trust is essential for dialog about media literacy, social media use with kids, etc. It’s important to recognize the big gaps / differences which exist now between news sources for older & younger generations, & talk about this together.
via Kari Kivinen
#MediaLit #digiURI #ConCW #MediaLiteracy #CIP
#medialit #digiuri #ConCW #medialiteracy #cip
“SIFT before you SHARE”
(I think I like this slogan more than “Think More - Share Less”
#MediaLit #digiURI #ConCW #MediaLiteracy #CIP
#medialit #digiuri #ConCW #medialiteracy #cip
Digital News Report 2022 - Reuters Institute
via Kari Kivinen
#MediaLit #digiURI #ConCW #MediaLiteracy #CIP
#medialit #digiuri #ConCW #medialiteracy #cip
Finnish new literacies approach - 2022: Media Literacy, Coding & Digital Skills
via Kari Kivinen
#MediaLit #digiURI #ConCW #MediaLiteracy #CIP
#medialit #digiuri #ConCW #medialiteracy #cip
My paraphrase: Students are not adept “digital natives” with respect to media literacy. When we ask them to verify information, they demonstrate very limited skills”
via Kari Kivinen
#MediaLit #digiURI #ConCW #MediaLiteracy #CIP
#medialit #digiuri #ConCW #medialiteracy #cip
My paraphrase: Students are not adept “digital natives” with respect to media literacy. When we ask them to verify information, they demonstrate very limited skills”
via Kari Kivinen
#MediaLit #digiURI #ConCW #MediaLiteracy #CIP
#medialit #digiuri #ConCW #medialiteracy #cip