knitty®mag | editor Amy Singer · @knittymag
1752 followers · 439 posts · Server

Knee is still shite.

On top of that, 2 weeks ago, under doc supervision, I began reducing my Cipralex dosage. I want to see if it is still necessary since starting ADHD meds. (Anxiety can be caused by undiagnosed/untreated ADHD.)

I feel...crappy. Low energy, sleepy, low mood. Instead of panicking and going back up, I'm holding steady and waiting for my body to adjust to see how I *really* am. Two more weeks at this dosage and then I'll decide if I'm ready to go down again.

#cipralex #lexapro

Last updated 1 year ago

Toilet full of bugs · @ephemeromorph
86 followers · 3160 posts · Server

Has anyone found that makes you tired as hell? I normally get generic from Teva or Accord, but my newest batch included a box of cipralex from Lundbeck. I have been absolutely cream-crackered all week. I still have a Teva box, so I'm going to go back to that tomorrow and see what happens.

#cipralex #escitalopram

Last updated 2 years ago