Pepe Escobar: Die Entdollarisierung läuft auf Hochtouren #Entdollarisierung #Nachrichten #China #SWIFT #CIPS #USA #EU
#eu #usa #cips #swift #china #nachrichten #entdollarisierung
New research: „Forecast Analysis: Cloud Infrastructure and Platform Services, Worldwide“
➡️ Organizations adopt integrated cloud infrastructure and platform services to enable DevOps, continuous integration/continuous delivery and IoT applications.
#cloud #cloudcomputing #cips #research
Due to international sanctions against the country, #Russia's central bank can't access its foreign reserves of 640 Billion dollars. Ratings agency Fitch says it's at risk of default as a series of debt payments comes due. The Russian government has announced to make payment in rubles, but that would not be accepted on a dollar-denominated bond. If Russia can't make the full and correct payment within thirty days, the country would be considered in default.
Meanwhile, #China says the impact of sanctions on Russia will have a limited effect on its own #economy. With regards to facilitating trade with Russia after the country's exit from the #Swift global payment system. #Beijing is offering a workaround using the Chinese #CIPS system although it can only process payments in Yuan. The Chinese government also promises support for financial markets to keep them stable amidst ongoing crises.
#cips #beijing #swift #Economy #China #Russia
Apprendo da Radio3 che #Russia grazie a #Cina ha già bypassato lo #SwiftBan con l'omologo cinese: #CIPS
Inzomma 'ste #sanctions sono servite a rafforzare proprio i cinesi?
Complimenti, bel colpo #NATO 🤷🤦
#nato #sanctions #cips #Swiftban #cina #russia