@authortoburnett That cover is so impressive! And I know the story inside will be too.
Get your copy of #Circa1740 so you can see what all the fuss is about. #SciFi
#TimeTravel #WritingCommunity
#circa1740 #scifi #timetravel #writingcommunity
#1 New Release. Not a bad way to start my day. I am beyond excited. #Circa1740 #SciFi #TimeTravel
Whether it’s the right cover or not, I just purchased it. I’m happy with it. In fact, I’m excited about it. So, barring any issues with uploading it, I can cross that off my to do list. Looks like my projected release dated of February 14, 2023 could be a reality. Smoke ‘em if you got ‘em. #Circa1740 #WritingCommunity
Latest edit: Finding all the instances of AM, PM, am, pm, A.M., and P.M. and changing them to a.m. or p.m. Thanks, google. #WritersOfMastodon #SciFi #TimeTravel #WritingCommunity #Circa1740 #AmEditing #AmWriting
#writersofmastodon #scifi #timetravel #writingcommunity #circa1740 #amediting #amWriting
What’s it like to be consumed by your editing, you ask? I just shut it down for the night. I’ve gotten through four chapters so far. But as I’m lying here in bed, I just thought of a sentence in chapter 11 or 12 (I remember the exact sentence but not the chapter) that I need to switch from passive voice to active voice. #AmEditing #SciFi #WritingCommunity #TimeTravel #WritersOfMastodon #Circa1740
#amediting #scifi #writingcommunity #timetravel #writersofmastodon #circa1740
After editing one chapter this morning, I’m up to chapter 4 in the penultimate round of my edits. This is definitely tedious, but I appreciate the process. Won’t be long now. #Circa1740 #SciFi #TimeTravel #WritingCommunity
#circa1740 #scifi #timetravel #writingcommunity
I finished my third round of edits. I’m going to convert it to a Word document from Google docs and let it sit for a week. Two more after that. #WitingCommunity #AmEditing #SciFi #TimeTravel #Circa1740
#witingcommunity #amediting #scifi #timetravel #circa1740