aspen, colorado
kit computer
aspen computer society
© the Nick DeWolf Foundation
Image-use requests are welcome via nickdewolfphotoarchive [at] gmail [dot] com
#photography #film #color #aspen #computer #kit #homemade #floppydrive #floppydisc #circuitboard #keyboard #1980s
#photography #film #color #aspen #computer #kit #homemade #floppydrive #floppydisc #circuitboard #keyboard #1980s
同じ光に見えて実は SK6812, SK6812 mini-e, SK6812 side-g SK6805 side-s, SK6805 EC3210, SK6805 EC15と結構な種類のSK68シリーズが混ざっているのだ。そんで全部一本の信号線。便利だね!
The lights look the same, but there are SK6812, SK6812 mini-e, SK6812 side-g SK6805 side-s, SK6805 EC3210, SK6805 EC15, many kinds of SK68 series are mixed. All are driven by a single line. Useful.
#ESP32 #Arduino #軸の秤 #電子工作 #DIY #electronics #電子工作初心者 #pcb #circuitboard #基板 #電子工作初心者 #NeoPixel #SK6812 #SK6805
#sk6805 #sk6812 #neopixel #基板 #circuitboard #pcb #電子工作初心者 #electronics #diy #電子工作 #軸の秤 #arduino #esp32
自作した #WS2812B もとい #SK6812 の基板、とりま点灯はしたので一安心。これまで1515サイズの #SK6805 しか使ったことなかったので光がデカくてわろてる。
I made a custom board for #WS2812B ( #SK6812 ). It's a relief that they light up at least. I’ve only ever used the 1515 size #SK6805 before, I’m amused at how big the light is.
#電子工作 #DIY #electronics #pcb #circuitboard #基板 #電子工作初心者 #NeoPixel
#neopixel #電子工作初心者 #基板 #circuitboard #pcb #electronics #diy #電子工作 #sk6805 #sk6812 #ws2812b
DIY Laser For Ablating Metal - For those who wish to go beyond through-hole construction on perfboard for their c... - #printedcircuitboard #circuitboard #laserhacks #bluelaser #ablation #copper #laser #grbl #cnc #pcb
#pcb #cnc #grbl #laser #copper #ablation #bluelaser #laserhacks #circuitboard #printedcircuitboard
This is so cool. #cheatsheet on #circuitboard: 🙂️
Ciruitboard Fire Kaleidoscope Series
I combined the images of a circuit board and a natural gas stove fire into one in photoshop and then made the resulting image into a series of kaleidoscopes.
#kaleidoscope #art #kaleidoscopic #circuitboard #geek
Available on print on demand website redbubble on shirts, mugs, prints, and more. Images seamlessly tile and repeat on products to make exceptional patterns.
#geek #circuitboard #kaleidoscopic #art #kaleidoscope
Ok, this is the proof. FR2 is waaaay better for milling than FR4. This is still the same bit I used for a few tests + yesterday's board, and it's still going strong. With the FR4 it was worn out after doing half a board...
#diy #milling #circuitboard #cnc #electronics
#Experiments in the #studio.
#CloseUp of the bottom of a dead #computer #motherboard.
Some interesting #patterns 🔍🤔
#photography #macro #macrophotography #CircuitBoard #technology #electronics #experiment #flash #tracks #traces #connections #mono #monochrome #BlackAndWhite #MadeInAffinity
#experiments #studio #closeup #computer #motherboard #patterns #photography #macro #macrophotography #circuitboard #technology #electronics #experiment #flash #tracks #traces #connections #mono #monochrome #blackandwhite #madeinaffinity
Self-#soldering #circuitboard
Yep, you read it right. This is insane and genius at the same time!
#hamradio #solder #electronics #circuitboard #soldering
There was a time when I might have tried to repurpose these into something new.
#electronics #wifi #ewaste #pcb #circuitboard #broadcom
My #smappee #energy #monitor (circa 2014/2015) recently died. It kept falling off wifi, and now I can't get it to broadcast its internal hotspot at all even when the blinking lights say it should be in pairing mode.
Cracked it open, can't see anything obviously burnt or otherwise, so I'll probably send it off to recycling and look into a more modern solution. Maybe #esphome and that six-channel expandable monitor to log individual circuits?
Have some #circuitboard photos. Looks ARM based?
#smappee #energy #monitor #esphome #circuitboard
Mangled but actually functional #CNCCut #CircuitBoard tracks - after quite a bit of sanding and cleaning, more needed... Not quite sure what happened here, I had to swap the end mill at the start and must have got the new depth wrong.
molten circuits
#molten #circuitboard #electronics #circuits #cpu #aiart #motherboard #gpu #lava #midjourney #generativeart
#molten #circuitboard #electronics #circuits #cpu #aiart #motherboard #gpu #lava #midjourney #generativeart
Calibration Board, a series of six circuitboards, each an edition of 10, with extra available in white and matte black. They'll wall mount, stand up via bolts, or hang via loops
Available at $53 each
I'm giving one away via Mastodon, repost this and I'll pick tomorrow🫡
#circuitboard #DigitalArt #art #printedcircuitboard
I don't know which of you told me the #CircuitBoard #design concept/rule of blocking out your design into chunks, but: Thank you.
I just realized that if I move a set of pull-up resistors closer, and waste a pair of pins on my 74hc165 shift registers (and add in 2 more shift registers to make up for the wasted pins), I can route my circuit a WHOLE lot easier.
I built this from a kit like 30 years ago and it’s so nice to see it still working! It’s powered by two 556 chips. I remember the 555 chips from many RadioShack projects. #circuitboard #christmastree
Sometimes one needs a 'wriggle your digits controller' for improvising silly little melodies that can (when all goes well) format ones mind when it's overloaded with shit/pain/despair. Overdoing it is like holding a magnet to a harddrive. Fun with erasure!
#happytronics #smilemachine
#fingerwaves #digitcontroller #arduino #stepsequencer #minisynth #circuitboard #stripboard
#happytronics #smilemachine #fingerwaves #digitcontroller #arduino #stepsequencer #minisynth #circuitboard #stripboard
I'm finally done with this 'Calibration Board'!
It's about the size of an iPhone. I'm having copies made in red, green, yellow, blue, white, black and matte black. Probably done in January.
I'll have some for sale, priced at "pay what you want" on a first come first serve basis
I’m excited to see these in all the colors. The copper, mask and silkscreen layers all look different, and I’ve designed the board with a lot of layering varieties
#circuitboard #pcb #digitalart
#circuitboard #PCB #DigitalArt
An update to this 'Calibration Board', about the size of a phone, can't wait to see this in red + black as well,
I'm designing it so it can stand up on a desk, held with a machine screw, or be mounted on the wall, or hung from a string or chain by the loop
Can you find the 🫡?
#circuitboard #DigitalArt #art #PCB #electronics
Ok, now that I have my #PCB laid out, I'm curious how the professionals do #CircuitBoard design in #KICad -- like, what tracks do you lay out first? serial busses? power?
What lessons did you learn from painful experiences that you turned into habits?