John Park’s CircuitPython Parsec: Circuit Playground Temperature #adafruit #circuitpython
#circuitpythonparsec Use the built-in temperature sensor on Circuit Playground boards!Code examples here. To learn about CircuitPython:
#adafruit #circuitpython #circuitpythonparsec
John Park’s CircuitPython Parsec: Circuit Playground NeoPixels #adafruit #circuitpython
#circuitpythonparsec Use the Circuit Playground library on the CPX and CPB boards to easily control on-board NeoPixels.Code examples here. To learn about CircuitPython:
#adafruit #circuitpython #circuitpythonparsec
John Park’s CircuitPython Parsec: Circuit Playground LED & Switch #adafruit #circuitpython
#circuitpythonparsec Use the Circuit Playground library on the CPX and CPB boards to light the LED and use the switch.Code examples here. To learn about CircuitPython:
#adafruit #circuitpython #circuitpythonparsec
John Park’s CircuitPython Parsec: Function Lists #adafruit #circuitpython
#circuitpythonparsec Make and call lists of functions in CircuitPython.Code examples here. To learn about CircuitPython:
#adafruit #circuitpython #circuitpythonparsec
John Park’s CircuitPython Parsec: Absolute Wave Rectifier #adafruit #circuitpython
#circuitpythonparsec Rectify a sine wave with the absolute function in CircuitPython.To learn about CircuitPython:
#adafruit #circuitpython #circuitpythonparsec
John Park’s CircuitPython Parsec: Color Gradients with NeoPixels #adafruit #circuitpython
#circuitpythonparsec Create RGB color gradients for NeoPixels in CircuitPythonTo learn about CircuitPython:
#adafruit #circuitpython #circuitpythonparsec
John Park’s CircuitPython Parsec: S3 Builds of CircuitPython #adafruit #circuitpython
#circuitpythonparsec How to get the latest builds of CircuitPython from the S3 server.To learn about CircuitPython:
#adafruit #circuitpython #circuitpythonparsec
John Park’s CircuitPython Parsec: Enumerate #adafruit #circuitpython
#circuitpythonparsec How to use the enumerate command in CircuitPythonTo learn about CircuitPython:
#adafruit #circuitpython #circuitpythonparsec
John Park’s CircuitPython Parsec: Integer Divide #adafruit #circuitpython
#circuitpythonparsec How to use use integer divide // to get whole numbers in CircuitPythonTo learn about CircuitPython:
#adafruit #circuitpython #circuitpythonparsec
John Park’s CircuitPython Parsec: DotStar LEDs #adafruit #circuitpython
#circuitpythonparsec How to use DotStar RGB LEDs in CircuitPython
#adafruit #circuitpython #circuitpythonparsec
John Park’s CircuitPython Parsec: One Liners #adafruit #circuitpython
#circuitpythonparsec Use multiple command copy/paste one-liners for quick debugging and testing. Sample one liners here on Todbot’s CircuitPython Tricks.
#adafruit #circuitpython #circuitpythonparsec
John Park’s CircuitPython Parsec: ANSI Escape Codes #adafruit #circuitpython
#circuitpythonparsec Use ANSI escape codes in CircuitPython color text in your REPL terminal and help with debugging.
#adafruit #circuitpython #circuitpythonparsec
John Park’s CircuitPython Parsec: Rainbowio Colorwheel #adafruit #circuitpython
#circuitpythonparsec Easily change hue values on NeoPixels with Rainbowio Colorwheel!
#adafruit #circuitpython #circuitpythonparsec
John Park’s CircuitPython Parsec: Unpacking Tuples #adafruit #circuitpython
#circuitpythonparsec Learn how to unpack the multiple values in a tuple and use the ones you want.
#adafruit #circuitpython #circuitpythonparsec
John Park’s CircuitPython Parsec: Supervisor Reload #adafruit #circuitpython
#circuitpythonparsec Use the Supervisor to change CircuitPython’s autoreload behavior.
#adafruit #circuitpython #circuitpythonparsec