More #CircuitSuperstars info ! Fun new DLC inspired by #TopGear
Hey #Switch owners ! It's nearly time for #CircuitSuperstars
#motorsport #gaming
I have to admit that I’ve done a 180 turn (punt intended) in my Motorsport sim journey. I’ve posted here that these games are not for me, but over the last few days I’ve played several and I’ve found I actually like them! I’ve tried so far: #ForzaMotorsport7, #Automobilista2, #RFactor2, #AssettoCorsaCompetizione, and lastly, on a lighter tone, #ForzaHorizon5, #Wreckfest, and #CircuitSuperstars.
#circuitsuperstars #wreckfest #ForzaHorizon5 #assettocorsacompetizione #rfactor2 #automobilista2 #ForzaMotorsport7 #gaming #motorsport