#workoutoftheday #circuittraining
A short session today, since it was last time until september and we had a small party afterwards.
1️⃣ squat + medicine ball throw @ 3kg
2️⃣ band tricep extension @ 10kg
3️⃣ single-leg glute bridge
4️⃣ bicep curl @ 6kg
5️⃣ battle rope
6️⃣ plank on step up & down
7️⃣ single leg squat
8️⃣ shoulder press
9️⃣ 180 degrees jump
🔟 oblique ankle touch
The group decided to continue the class outside during summer, even if the instructor won't be present
#workoutoftheday #circuittraining #fitness #fitodon
#circuittraining #workoutoftheday
2x45s, 2x30s:
1️⃣ elevated lunge pulse (step)
2️⃣ inchworm
3️⃣ lateral lunge
4️⃣ punching bag
5️⃣ obstacle jump
6️⃣ oblique crunch @ 8kg
7️⃣ squat jump
8️⃣ lats pull-down @ 10kg
9️⃣ step jump
🔟 lying leg raise
#circuittraining #workoutoftheday #mastodonfit #fitodon #highintensityworkout
2x45s, 2x30s of:
1️⃣ jumping jack
2️⃣ medicine ball squat & throw @ 3kg
3️⃣ pendlay row @ 10kg
4️⃣ kickback + bicep curl @ 5kg
5️⃣ plank lateral walk
6️⃣ forward + backward lunge
7️⃣ burpee
8️⃣ flutters
9️⃣ running forward & back
🔟 KB oblique crunch @ 8kg
#fitness #weightlifting #highintensityworkout #fitodon #mastodonfit
#workoutoftheday #circuittraining #fitness #weightlifting #highintensityworkout #fitodon #mastodonfit
#workoutoftheday #circuittraining
2x45s, 2x30s:
1️⃣ rope skipping
2️⃣ in couples throwing a 2kg ball, one squats & the other sits up
3️⃣ DB front & lateral raise @ 4 kg
4️⃣ in couples one runs while the other restrains the runner with a band
5️⃣ dynamic plank
6️⃣ step lunge
7️⃣ fast feet
8️⃣ penguin
9️⃣ dips
🔟 fire hydrant with glute band
#workoutoftheday #circuittraining #fitness #highintensityworkout #fitodon #mastodonfit
#workoutoftheday #circuittraining
2x45s, 2x30s:
1️⃣ mountain climbers
2️⃣ oblique crunch @ 8kg
3️⃣ lunge pulse
4️⃣ band pull apart
5️⃣ 180-degrees rotation jump
6️⃣ v-sit
7️⃣ shoulder press & forward @ 4kg
8️⃣ colors game (run to touch a given combination)
9️⃣ fitball plank
🔟 medicine ball squat + throw @ 3kg
#workoutoftheday #circuittraining #fitness #highintensityworkout #fitodon #mastodonfit
#workoutoftheday #circuittraining
2x45s, 2x30s:
1️⃣ battle rope
2️⃣ banded crab walk
3️⃣ inchworm
4️⃣ barrier jump
5️⃣ oblique crunch
6️⃣ TRX row
7️⃣ bicep hold & high knees @ 4 kg
8️⃣ plank walkout
9️⃣ lateral lunge
🔟 leg raises
#workoutoftheday #circuittraining #highintensityworkout #fitodon #mastodonfit #fitness
2x45s, 2x30s:
1️⃣ burpee
2️⃣ squat hold
3️⃣ banded lat pull-down
4️⃣ lateral jumps
5️⃣ deadbug
6️⃣ standing shoulder fly @ 4 kg
7️⃣ fast feet
8️⃣ fitball glute bridge
9️⃣ lunge & rotation @ 8 kg
Bridges on the fitball are brutal, I got tears in my eyes 😭
#fitness #fitodon #mastodonfit #highintensityworkout #weightlifting
#workoutoftheday #circuittraining #fitness #fitodon #mastodonfit #highintensityworkout #weightlifting
2x45s, 2x30s of:
1️⃣ plank side walk
2️⃣ pendlay lunge
3️⃣ punching bag
4️⃣ side plank
5️⃣ rope skipping
6️⃣ push-up
7️⃣ fast feet
8️⃣ sit-up @ 2 kg
9️⃣ fitball wall squat
🔟 star jumps
#workoutoftheday #circuittraining #fitness #fitodon #mastodonfit #highintensityworkout
#circuittraining at the public local gym (free for all residents, I love my 🇫🇷 town!)
First 2 laps 45s each, then 2x30s of:
1️⃣ dips
2️⃣ bicep curl [8 kg]
3️⃣ single-leg squat
4️⃣ jump lunge
5️⃣ plank w/ leg raises
6️⃣ single-leg glute bridge
7️⃣ jump squat
8️⃣ running
9️⃣ standing side crunch [10 kg]
#workoutoftheday #circuittraining #fullbodyworkout #mastodonfit #fitodon
Just love me a good, well thought through #CircuitTraining session... Have identified a couple of ways to get the most out of it:
1. Don't overload the amount of weights. 3 times 1 minute of work is a looooong time when you're too heavily loaded.
2. Focus on quality, not on speed and continuity. A micro-break between each rep is your very best friend. Reset, and do the movement properly instead of just surviving it.